1 0 0 8 I N D E X Germany in IIIC, 892a Becker, Richard, Rottenburg asks for opinion on, 925a Beethoven, Ludwig van, 11n, 223, 911a, 956a played at inauguration of IIIC, 309n Behne, Adolf, 361 Beit Am cultural center in Palestine, Schor on, 918a Benasso, Luigi, AE on Italian translation of Ein- stein 1917a, 961a Benda, Max, recommends administrative help to ICIC, 886a Benedicenti, Alberico, 959a Beneš, Edvard, 904a Bennett, Peter (1856–1936), on AE’s honorary membership in Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 914a AE on, 401 Benrubi, Isaak (1876–1943), 573n Einstein, Eduard, forwards letter of to AE, 571 thanks for AE’s recommendation, 932a Bensaúde, Joaquim (1859–1952), 782, 961a fellowship endowment at Hebrew University by, AE on, 825, 827 Kohn on, 961a Bensaúde, José (1835–1922), 826n Bension, Ariel (1887–1932), 825, 826, 961a AE congratulates on achievements in developing Palestine, 869a recommends to Amzalak, 957a, to Bensaúde, 782 Bentwich, Herbert donates land on Mount of Olives to Weltver- band der jüdischen Studentenschaft, 873a proposed as member of BOGHU, 907a Bentwich, Norman, lxxvii–lxxviii, 206n, 250n, 519n, 521n, 884a Berger, Leopoldo, gives book to AE, 870a Bergh, S. van den, 897a Bergmann, Harry, asks for help in restoring col- laboration between Bothe and Maschke, 940a AE declines, 631 Bergmann on, 941a AE promises, 940a Bergmann, Hugo, lxxvii, 207n, 254n, 912a Prague address by, Weltsch on, 929a on printing Hebrew textbooks, 930a solicits journals of PAW for Hebrew University, 950a AE on, 951a, 954a Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 47, 51, 113n, 298, 658, 662n AE criticizes, 148 ICIC, leaves, 299n, 309n on 6th session of, 871a IIIC, on establishment of, 871a on inter- national character of, 68–69 ill, 86 Masriera’s critique of, AE on, 148–149 Metz’s paper on, 869a Berlin, chief of police AE applies to for continued use of “tower room,” 822–823 Rote Hilfe Deutschlands Christmas drive contravenes regulations, 948a Berlin City, solicits opinion on Brunn, 934a AE provides, 934a Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), 712, 778, 882a AE recommends for silver Leibniz Medal, 950a rejects publication of Joos 1926, 468–469, 925a solicits permission to publish Appendix G, 781 AE refuses, 782 Berliner Zionistische Vereinigung, 874a Bernard, Tristan, 621n Bernoulli, August, AE on Basel appointment of, 115n Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932), 734n, 881a on article praising Einstein 1926d, 939a AE on, 624–625 Berr, Albert, on AE’s alleged tone theory of old Italian violins, 943a Bertling, Karl-Oskar (1875–1952), 410 Re- ichenbach, solicits recommendation to, 380, 384 on getting position in the U.S. for, 913a, 921a Besso, Marco (1922–1995), 45n, 242n, 546n Besso, Marco Tullio (1880–1898), 556n Besso, Michele (1873–1955), xliv, xlv, xlviii, xlix, lxxxii, lxxxiv, xc, 20, 40, 44, 84, 89n, 90, 95n, 103n, 240, 291n, 527, 528, 550, 555, 558, 620, 623, 624n on AE as Jewish saint, 312 AE invites to Vermala-Montana, 546 AE on, 555, 556, 562, 664, 708–709, 929a as sounding board, AE stays with, 527 Beck, Go. 1926, on manuscript of, 311, 443– 444, 903a AE on, 452 Beck, Johann, recommends, 919a on continuum and discreteness, 44 Hans Albert Einstein, happy with, 45