7 3 6 D O C U M E N T 4 6 9 A P R I L 1 9 2 5 in addition to the honorarium of $3500 which is to provide for your stay during Jan- uary, February, and a part of March, in Pasadena. President Campbell said that they would use every effort to protect you from publicity, but that he feels that it would be desirable for you to appear at a public university meeting and address the stu- dents at least once. You will understand that I am passing on this suggestion from Dr. Campbell merely for the sake of finding whether you would care to undertake any such re- sponsibility after you leave Pasadena. Would you be good enough to let me know in your reply whether you would look with favor upon any such lecture appoint- ments as are here suggested. I could make other arrangements of a similar kind at one or two other universities in case you would care to have them made, but if you would prefer nothing of the kind kindly write me quite frankly to that effect, and I will tell President Campbell and others that you prefer to have no engagements oth- er than the one here at Pasadena. I remain Very cordially yours, R. A. Millikan[4] TLS. [17 298]. Written on letterhead “California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics” and addressed “Professor A. Einstein, University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.” [1]In November 1924, Einstein had informed Millikan that he planned to visit Caltech in early 1926 (see Doc. 360). Hendrik A. Lorentz had originally planned to be in the United States during the last months of 1925 and the first months of 1926 to spend time at Cornell University and at Caltech, respectively. But, after having been pressured by Paul Ehrenfest and Einstein to be in the Netherlands for the 50th anniversary of his doctorate on 11 December 1925, he changed his plans (see Ehrenfest to Lorentz, 13 February 1925 [NL-HN, Archief H. A. Lorentz], and Lorentz to Ehrenfest, 14 February 1925 [NL-LeRM, Ehrenfest Archive, ESC:7, 326] see also Lorentz to Millikan, 28 February 1925 [CaPsCA, Robert A. Millikan Papers], in which Lorentz informs Millikan, without going into details, that his presence in the Netherlands in December 1925 was required). [2]See Doc. 400. [3]William W. Campbell. [4]A handwritten note in Einstein’s hand has been added below the signature: “abgelehnt.” 469. From Chaim Weizmann [2 April 1925][1] Congratulations and greetings your work Argentine.[2] Inauguration ceremony successful inspiring[3] foundation stone Einstein Physics Mathematical Institute being laid second April.[4] Extremely sorry you not here Regards Weizmann
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7 3 6 D O C U M E N T 4 6 9 A P R I L 1 9 2 5 in addition to the honorarium of $3500 which is to provide for your stay during Jan- uary, February, and a part of March, in Pasadena. President Campbell said that they would use every effort to protect you from publicity, but that he feels that it would be desirable for you to appear at a public university meeting and address the stu- dents at least once. You will understand that I am passing on this suggestion from Dr. Campbell merely for the sake of finding whether you would care to undertake any such re- sponsibility after you leave Pasadena. Would you be good enough to let me know in your reply whether you would look with favor upon any such lecture appoint- ments as are here suggested. I could make other arrangements of a similar kind at one or two other universities in case you would care to have them made, but if you would prefer nothing of the kind kindly write me quite frankly to that effect, and I will tell President Campbell and others that you prefer to have no engagements oth- er than the one here at Pasadena. I remain Very cordially yours, R. A. Millikan[4] TLS. [17 298]. Written on letterhead “California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics” and addressed “Professor A. Einstein, University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.” [1]In November 1924, Einstein had informed Millikan that he planned to visit Caltech in early 1926 (see Doc. 360). Hendrik A. Lorentz had originally planned to be in the United States during the last months of 1925 and the first months of 1926 to spend time at Cornell University and at Caltech, respectively. But, after having been pressured by Paul Ehrenfest and Einstein to be in the Netherlands for the 50th anniversary of his doctorate on 11 December 1925, he changed his plans (see Ehrenfest to Lorentz, 13 February 1925 [NL-HN, Archief H. A. Lorentz], and Lorentz to Ehrenfest, 14 February 1925 [NL-LeRM, Ehrenfest Archive, ESC:7, 326] see also Lorentz to Millikan, 28 February 1925 [CaPsCA, Robert A. Millikan Papers], in which Lorentz informs Millikan, without going into details, that his presence in the Netherlands in December 1925 was required). [2]See Doc. 400. [3]William W. Campbell. [4]A handwritten note in Einstein’s hand has been added below the signature: “abgelehnt.” 469. From Chaim Weizmann [2 April 1925][1] Congratulations and greetings your work Argentine.[2] Inauguration ceremony successful inspiring[3] foundation stone Einstein Physics Mathematical Institute being laid second April.[4] Extremely sorry you not here Regards Weizmann

