6 7 6 D O C . 4 4 0 O N T H E J E W I S H P E O P L E 439. From Sylvia Beach[1] [Paris,] December 31 1926 Dear Sir. It would be a great honour to have your signature for the protest which James Joyce’s colleagues are signing against the “pirating” of his book Ulysses in the United States.[2] May I ask you to be so kind as to sign it? Yours with respectful admiration Sylvia Beach ALS. [44 037]. Written on letterhead “Shakespeare and Company—Sylvia Beach—. 12, Rue de l’Odeon Paris (VIe)” and addressed to “Mr Albert Einstein.” [1]Beach (1887–1962) was an American-born bookseller and publisher in Paris, owner of the bookstore Shakespeare and Company, and first publisher of Joyce 1922. [2]Joyce (1882–1941) was an Irish novelist. Beach had enclosed a TTr [44 038] of the protest with her letter. For the published version, see Doc. 470. 440. Aphorism on the Jewish People [1927] Wir Juden sind zwar kein auserwähltes, aber ein unter Jahrtausende währendem Druck gesiebtes und gestähltes Volk. Albert Einstein 1927. ADS (Profiles in History Auction Catalog 30 [Winter 2003]: 11, lot 21). [86 700]. Written as an in- scription below a photograph of Einstein. 441. Aphorism [1927] Ach, der Mensch begnügt sich gern Nimmt die Schale für den Kern Albert Einstein 1927. ADS (Stargardt Auction Catalog, 28–29 May 1963, item 305). [95 748]. Written on an album page.