2 0 2 D O C U M E N T 3 2 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 1
327. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Munich, 6 Leopold St., 16 December 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
328. From Count Harry Kessler
Paris, 17 December 1921
Esteemed Professor,
In using this occasion to wish you all the best for the turn of the year, I am here,
as it were, the agent of
whom I visited yesterday (he is an old acquain-
tance of mine), and who asked me to tell you the following. He very much regrets
that you could not come
as great hopes had been placed on your coming.
He finds, however, that you are entirely right not to come at the same time as
Gerlach and
since this could give your mission a political taint that
could diminish its significance somewhat. He most earnestly hopes, though, that
you will be able to come alone sometime in the coming months. This, naturally, not
out of any lack of sympathy for Gerlach (whom Painlevé much appreciates), but in
order to exclude any mistake about any political goals of yours. I might tell you of
my own accord that you fill a virtually unique position here in public opinion and
in the general interest. The books about you (namely, the one by
better than the most sensational novels. Your reception here will, in any case, be
grandiose. Otherwise, I also (pardon me, no comparison is intended here!) have
been very well received, indeed, with surprisingly warm sympathy among political
and journalistic
A very major change of heart is apparently in the making
In requesting you present my [humble respects] to your wife, I am, esteemed
Professor, yours most truly,
329. From Max Soloweitschik[1]
Kovno, 19 December 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
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