D O C U M E N T S 2 3 3 , 2 3 5 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 1 1 5 7
233. To Erwin F. Freundlich
[Berlin,] 10 September 1921
Dear Mr. Freundlich,
The letter to Schorr went out within 24 hours of receipt. Perhaps the fellow for-
got about it. Give him a prod. I likewise wrote the ministry
carefully, but requested further inquiries be made elsewhere about the candidates
because familial considerations had been
I do not think that it will be any
help—we shall see. I am pleased that we are encountering so much understanding
(compare with 1914!). We have the English to thank for the whole change in these
Wishing you an enjoyable vacation, yours,
A. Einstein.
234. From Käthe Kollwitz
11 September 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
235. To Samuel Untermyer
[Berlin,] 15 September 1921
Dear Mr. Untermyer,
For understandable reasons I cannot use the postal service to write you about the
sum of money and certificates that you kindly took into safekeeping for us. That is
why I take the liberty of giving this letter to Mr. Zeisler to bring
I hope
you have invested the 4,300 dollars that we had handed over to you on May 28 in
as we had then agreed. Please compound the interest as long as
I do not explicitly ask you to have some of it sent to us. Under these insecure con-
ditions here this sum is, so to speak, my only safe possession in case of an emer-
gency in Germany, these assets are of great importance to me. When I can again
spare something in a foreign currency, I will permit myself to send it to you with
the request that you kindly proceed with it as with the rest.