I N D E X 9 7 1 greetings, 901a Berlin, municipality of, birthday greetings, 894a AE thanks for, 898a Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), 748n, 848a, 872a, 883a “moral vein,” AE admires, 576 Berliner Friedensbewegung, 833a, 837a Berliner Tonkünstler Verein, 833a Bernhard, Georg, 43 Bernhardy, Werner, 43 Bernstein, Arthur, 832a, 835a, 836a, 837a Bernstein, Herman (1876–1935), 207n, 208n, 699n, 809a, 832a, 882a, 904a AE on, 730 Besso, Marco (1922–1995), 14n, 234n Besso, Michele, (1873–1955), lxxxiv, 5, 655n, 725n, 810a, 814a, 817a, 821a, 838a, 843a AE admires for not becoming grumpier with age, 531 AE concerned about, 740 AE meets in Visp, 76 AE vacations with in Saint Maurice and Berisal, 120, 640 assists AE in work on special relativity and quantum problem, 233, 234n birthday greetings and reminiscences, 640 AE thanks for, 669 concerned about Hans Albert Einstein, 233 on Einstein 1927i and 1927j, 63 expresses gratitude to AE, 233 failed doctoral dissertation, 233 on initiating AE’s friendship with Planck, 233 on his personality, 234 on role played in dissolution of AE’s marriage to Mileva, 233 Besso, Tycho (1924–2008), 234n Besso, Vero (1898–1971), 14n, 234n Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 63, 64, 234, 532n, 726 Bethe, Hans (1906–2005), substitutes for Lanczos in Frankfurt, 437, 866a Bethlen, István (1874–1946), xx, 251, 253n Bezzola, Dumeng (1868–1936), 220n, 257, 258n, 259, 285, 835a treating Ilse, lx, 368 Bialik, Chaim Nachman, 608 Bible, one of AE’s favorite books, 35 Bieber, Siegfried (1873–1960), lxxxvi, 638n, 664n, 895a, 898a Bieberbach, Ludwig G. (1886–1982), 441n, 484, 569, 852a, 875a, 882a Bieber-Postolka, Josephine (1874–1970), 664 Biedermann, Karl, 35n Biefeld, Paul, 884a Bier, August (1861–1949), 60 Bildt, Paul, 43 Billig, L., 608 Binding, Rudolf G., 43 Biram, Arthur (1878–1967), 237, 844a Bircher-Benner, Maximilian (1867–1939), 288 Birnhack, Fritz, 897a birthday greetings, 896a Blackett, Patrick, 428 Blackie & Son, 756n, 890, 898, 907a, 907 wants permission to publish translations of AE papers, 755 Bluestone, Ephraim M., 813a, 815a, 817a Blümel, Anton, 830a, 832a Blumenfeld, Kurt (1884–1963), li, lxxxiv, 654, 671n, 907a birthday greetings, 657, 894a role in evoking awareness of Jewish identity, AE on, 654 Blumenthal, Otto (1876–1944), 441n, 488, 852a, 872a, 873a, 875a, 876a, 878a, 882a, 906a. See also Mathematische Annalen, conflict in editorial board of Bluntschli, Hans, 43 Bobtelski, M., 609 Bocquet, J., 837a, 838 Bodenheimer, F. S., 609 Bodmer, Hans, 812a Boehn, Kurt von, 43 Boer, K. de, 805a, 807a BOGHU. See Hebrew University and Einstein, Albert, Jewish matters, Hebrew University Böhm, Hans, 826a Böhm, K., 872a Bohr, Harald (1887–1951), lxxx, 482, 484, 510n, 875a, 876a, 882a Bohr, Niels (1885–1962), 48n, 85n, 276n, 335, 811a AE recommends paper of, 315 Como meeting, paper at, 48n correction to Heisenberg 1927 by, 48n Fifth Solvay Congress (1927), contribution to, 793 paper on quantum theory, 47 Schrödinger criticizes, 335 Schrödinger sends letter from, 334 Bologna, AE visits, 12 Bonhoeffer, Karl F. (1899–1957), 635 Bonnevie, Kristine, 822a, 823a, 825a, 827a, 829a, 864a, 906a
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