D O C S . 4 9 6 , 4 9 7 T O J U B I L E E C O M M I T T E E 6 9 9 496. Greetings to the Einstein Jubilee Committee [Berlin, between 13 and 16 April 1929][1] Ich wünsche Euren Bemühungen im Dienste des gemeinsamen Kultur-Werkes in Palästina vollen Erfolg.[2] Nicht auf Personen kommt es an sondern auf Werke im Dienst der Gemeinschaft. A. Einstein ADS. [28 072]. On same page as Doc. 497. The first sentence was also sent in the form of a Tgm (NNYI, Herman Bernstein Papers, RG 713: box 16, folder 442). [93 449]. The second sentence was published in Nathan and Norden 2004, p. 114. [1] Dated by the fact that Abs. 1107 is dated 13 April 1929 and on the assumption that both this document and Doc. 497 were written on or before 16 April 1929. [2] Herman Bernstein, chairman of the Einstein Jubilee Committee, had asked Einstein for a cabled statement for the Einstein Jubilee Celebration to mark his fiftieth birthday, held at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York on 16 April 1929. The event was “arranged under the auspices of the Einstein Jubilee Committee in conjunction with the Jewish National Fund and the Zionist Organiza- tion of America” and attended by an audience of 3,500. The press pointed out that “[a]lthough Prof. Einstein had declined every invitation and every request for permission to hold celebrations in his honor when his birthday was observed a month ago in Berlin, he gave his permission to the Jewish National Fund because of his eagerness to help attract the interest of American Jews in the Palestine work” (see Abs. 1107 and Jewish Daily Bulletin, 18 April 1929). 497. Message to the Einstein Jubilee Committee [Berlin, between 13 and 16 April 1929][1] Ihr feiert eine Legende, die meinen Namen trägt.[2] Das beweist aber, dass in un- serer Zeit neben dem verhängnisvollen Streben nach Macht und Luxus auch der Sinn für ewige Ziele des Menschengeistes lebendig ist. Darüber freue ich mich. A. Einstein. ADS. [28 072]. On same page as Doc. 496. For a published version in English, see Doc. 500. [1] Dated by the fact that Abs. 1107 is dated 13 April 1929 and on the assumption that both this document and Doc. 497 were written on or before 16 April 1929. [2] On the celebration, see Doc. 496, note 2.
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