D O C U M E N T 3 4 A U G U S T 1 9 2 7 8 5 Published in Einstein 1929a, pp. 9–10. An ADft version of the manuscript at the bottom of Abs. 83 is also available. [48 380]. Among the other recipients of Abs. 83, to which this document is a reply, were Niels Bohr, William W. Campbell, Marie Curie-Skłodowska, Fritz Haber, Max von Laue, Philip Lenard, Hendrik A. Lorentz, Albert A. Michelson, Robert A. Millikan, Walther Nernst, Wilhelm Ostwald, Max Planck, Ernest Rutherford, Wilhelm Wien, and Pieter Zeeman (see CoDU, Milton M. Schayer Papers, box 67). [1] Dated by the fact that this is a reply to Abs. 83. [2] Einstein professes his belief in Spinoza’s pantheistic concept of God (and thereby implicitly rejects the concept of a personal God) in “Answer to Questions on Religion,” 14 December 1922 (Vol. 13, Doc. 398). [3] For a previous instance in which Einstein stresses the importance of reason for his religious beliefs, see “Answer to Questions on Religion,” 14 December 1922 (Vol. 13, Doc. 398). 34. To Hans Albert Einstein Zuoz. [7 August 1927] Lieber Albert! Diesen Gruss von unseren heurigen Ferien. Wir waren eine Woche hier und sind mehr mit Nietzsche[1] als mit Steigen beschäftigt gewesen. Morgen wandern wir nach Maloya und dann über den Septimer.[2] Dann gehts wieder nach Berlin bezw. Zürich. Vor alledem war ich in Genf, wo es ebenso heiss wie unfruchtbar war.[3] Dir und Deiner Frau[4] Glückwünschend bin ich mit besten Grüssen Dein Papa. AKSX. [75 747]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn Albert Einstein Stolzestr. 19 III Dortmund Preussen.” and postmarked “Zuoz (Graubünden) 7. VIII. 27–9.” Greetings from Eduard Einstein are omitted. [1] On their joint reading of Nietzsche, see Doc. 32. [2] Maloja is a village in the Swiss canton of Graubünden, 35 km southwest of Zuoz. It is located on the southern shore of the Silsersee and a mountain pass also called Maloja. The Septimer Pass lies between the valleys of Bregaglia and Oberhalbstein in the canton of Graubünden. [3] At the Ninth Session of the ICIC. [4] Frieda Einstein-Knecht.