8 9 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 1014. To the Roerich Museum [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks at the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [97 090]. 1015. To Arthur Ruppin [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordial thanks for the kind and humorous words in Abs. 941. On verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [91 280]. 1016. To Nathan Straus [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordial thanks at the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [93 437]. 1017. To Rosa Treitel [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for the kind letter (Abs. 969). Promises to visit when in Lucerne. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [82 508]. 1018. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Is run down and overtired. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [31 054]. 1019. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for birthday greetings on a copy of Doc. 435. ADS. [71 712]. 1020. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for birthday greetings on a copy of Doc. 435. AL. [91 719]. 1021. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Copy of Doc. 435. AKSP. [65 504]. “Hat’s scheints alles nix geholfen” written in AE’s hand, accompanied by drawing in his hand of sender and receiver of telephone conver- sation over several telephone poles (see Illustration 25). 1022. To Antonina Vallentin [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Expresses thanks for birthday wishes. Praises her talents in reconciliation that will serve well the Institute for Intellectual Cooperation in Paris. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALf. [79 204.10]. 1023. To Emil Warburg and Elisabeth Warburg-Gaernter [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Unsure whether he had thanked the Warburgs for their congratulations, written on a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [92 388]. 1024. To Otto H. Warburg [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordially thanks for the good wishes and flowers, with facetious reference to being overwhelmed: “Bei einem andern wüsst ich schon fast [nimmer], wie er ausschaut, wenn ich ihn solange nicht gesehen hätte.” At the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [30 454]. 1025. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Greets cordially and wishes complete recovery. Fränkel signed a two-year contract with HU. Praises his book on set theory. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [33 400]. 1026. To Kurt Zarek [Berlin, after 14 March1929] Thanks for birthday wishes, probably on a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [78 938]. 1027. From Fritz Birnhack (child) Berlin, [after 14 March 1929] Invites AE to visit him. Sends belated greetings for AE’s birthday. AKS. [30 328]. 1028. From Schalom Hildesheimer Berlin, 15 March 1929 Each member of Jewish society should declare their gratitude for AE’s concern with the fate and life circumstances of the Jewish people. Would like to shake hands in person. Wishes complete recovery. TLS. [30 419]. 1029. From Nahum Sokolow New York, 15 March 1929 When in Germany, was admonished not to disturb AE. Sends good wishes. He is an op- ponent of any kind of national pride, but is proud of AE as a Jew. ALS. [30 448].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

8 9 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 1014. To the Roerich Museum [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks at the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [97 090]. 1015. To Arthur Ruppin [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordial thanks for the kind and humorous words in Abs. 941. On verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [91 280]. 1016. To Nathan Straus [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordial thanks at the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [93 437]. 1017. To Rosa Treitel [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for the kind letter (Abs. 969). Promises to visit when in Lucerne. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [82 508]. 1018. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Is run down and overtired. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [31 054]. 1019. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for birthday greetings on a copy of Doc. 435. ADS. [71 712]. 1020. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for birthday greetings on a copy of Doc. 435. AL. [91 719]. 1021. To Unknown [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Copy of Doc. 435. AKSP. [65 504]. “Hat’s scheints alles nix geholfen” written in AE’s hand, accompanied by drawing in his hand of sender and receiver of telephone conver- sation over several telephone poles (see Illustration 25). 1022. To Antonina Vallentin [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Expresses thanks for birthday wishes. Praises her talents in reconciliation that will serve well the Institute for Intellectual Cooperation in Paris. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALf. [79 204.10]. 1023. To Emil Warburg and Elisabeth Warburg-Gaernter [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Unsure whether he had thanked the Warburgs for their congratulations, written on a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [92 388]. 1024. To Otto H. Warburg [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordially thanks for the good wishes and flowers, with facetious reference to being overwhelmed: “Bei einem andern wüsst ich schon fast [nimmer], wie er ausschaut, wenn ich ihn solange nicht gesehen hätte.” At the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [30 454]. 1025. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Greets cordially and wishes complete recovery. Fränkel signed a two-year contract with HU. Praises his book on set theory. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [33 400]. 1026. To Kurt Zarek [Berlin, after 14 March1929] Thanks for birthday wishes, probably on a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [78 938]. 1027. From Fritz Birnhack (child) Berlin, [after 14 March 1929] Invites AE to visit him. Sends belated greetings for AE’s birthday. AKS. [30 328]. 1028. From Schalom Hildesheimer Berlin, 15 March 1929 Each member of Jewish society should declare their gratitude for AE’s concern with the fate and life circumstances of the Jewish people. Would like to shake hands in person. Wishes complete recovery. TLS. [30 419]. 1029. From Nahum Sokolow New York, 15 March 1929 When in Germany, was admonished not to disturb AE. Sends good wishes. He is an op- ponent of any kind of national pride, but is proud of AE as a Jew. ALS. [30 448].

