8 1 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 90. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 15 August 1927 Honorary certificate upon election to the honorary committee for AE’s extraordinary contributions to German civilization. DIPL. [65 044]. 91. From Henry Brose Rostock, 16 August 1927 Reminds AE of their walk in Oxford. Requests his participation at the opening of the University of Nottingham (earlier a branch of University College, London). Offers an honorarium of £100 (more than 2,000 M). It will be the first time that an English univer- sity is inaugurated by a foreigner. ALS. [45 675]. 92. From Sächsische Schulzeitung Dresden, 16 August 1927 The journal’s editor, A. Weller, requests a brief opinion from a number of reputable sci- entists regarding the government’s published draft of school legislation, specifically on the question of the trend toward confessionalization of elementary schools and division along different religious and worldviews. TLS. [48 422]. An ADft of Einstein 1927q (Doc. 35) in AE’s hand is at the bottom of the document. 93. From Institut für Auswärtige Politik Hamburg, 24 August 1927 For its journal Europäische Gespräche Hamburger Monatshefte für auswärtige Politik, the institute requests an answer to three questions: Should the German state aspire to the acquisition of colonies (for what reasons yes, no?) Should colonial activity be man- dated? Should the German state limit itself only to requiring equal status for its colonies and mandate territories with those of other nations? TLS. [46 776]. 94. From Hans Bodmer (Lesezirkel Hottingen) Zurich, 30 August 1927 Inquires whether AE is willing to speak to this group. ALS. [46 742]. 95. From Ayao Kuwaki Berlin, 30 August 1927 Is visiting Berlin until the end of October. He will attend the Volta celebrations in Como. Hopes to be able to see AE. ALS. [47 331]. 96. From Georg Maschke Wannsee, 30 August 1927 During his recent visit at AE’s home, where they discussed “Electrokultur,” he omitted to mention that he has withdrawn from the Botophon company, which has incurred large debts. TLS. [47 599]. 97. To Henry Brose Berlin, 1 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 91, hopes he will visit England next year and could envisage participat- ing in the opening of Nottingham University. His definitive answer depends on whether Oxford University agrees to a later visit (see Doc. 39). TLC. [45 676]. 98. To Julius Schuster Berlin, 1 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 75, regrets being overburdened with other obligations. Recommends H. Reichenbach, who deals in detail with the philosophical underpinnings and the history of science. TLC. [48 432]. 99. From Johannes Otto Bleicherode, 1 September 1927 A high school teacher, he reports on the discovery of a prehistoric sundial that seems to indicate that 4,000 years earlier, the calendar year only had 327 days. Since such a change is hardly imaginable, suggests that the calendar year be determined by other than solar calculations and proposes a scientific paper on the subject. ALS. [47 783]. 100. To Hans Bodmer Berlin, 3 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 94, regrets being unable to entertain any obligations outside his special- ist domain. TLS. [46 744]. 101. To Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund Berlin, 3 September 1927 Forwards letter from the Paris IIIC (most likely in the matter of Abs. 64 and 81) and re- quests that it send all needed documentation. TLC. [46 043].
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8 1 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 90. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 15 August 1927 Honorary certificate upon election to the honorary committee for AE’s extraordinary contributions to German civilization. DIPL. [65 044]. 91. From Henry Brose Rostock, 16 August 1927 Reminds AE of their walk in Oxford. Requests his participation at the opening of the University of Nottingham (earlier a branch of University College, London). Offers an honorarium of £100 (more than 2,000 M). It will be the first time that an English univer- sity is inaugurated by a foreigner. ALS. [45 675]. 92. From Sächsische Schulzeitung Dresden, 16 August 1927 The journal’s editor, A. Weller, requests a brief opinion from a number of reputable sci- entists regarding the government’s published draft of school legislation, specifically on the question of the trend toward confessionalization of elementary schools and division along different religious and worldviews. TLS. [48 422]. An ADft of Einstein 1927q (Doc. 35) in AE’s hand is at the bottom of the document. 93. From Institut für Auswärtige Politik Hamburg, 24 August 1927 For its journal Europäische Gespräche Hamburger Monatshefte für auswärtige Politik, the institute requests an answer to three questions: Should the German state aspire to the acquisition of colonies (for what reasons yes, no?) Should colonial activity be man- dated? Should the German state limit itself only to requiring equal status for its colonies and mandate territories with those of other nations? TLS. [46 776]. 94. From Hans Bodmer (Lesezirkel Hottingen) Zurich, 30 August 1927 Inquires whether AE is willing to speak to this group. ALS. [46 742]. 95. From Ayao Kuwaki Berlin, 30 August 1927 Is visiting Berlin until the end of October. He will attend the Volta celebrations in Como. Hopes to be able to see AE. ALS. [47 331]. 96. From Georg Maschke Wannsee, 30 August 1927 During his recent visit at AE’s home, where they discussed “Electrokultur,” he omitted to mention that he has withdrawn from the Botophon company, which has incurred large debts. TLS. [47 599]. 97. To Henry Brose Berlin, 1 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 91, hopes he will visit England next year and could envisage participat- ing in the opening of Nottingham University. His definitive answer depends on whether Oxford University agrees to a later visit (see Doc. 39). TLC. [45 676]. 98. To Julius Schuster Berlin, 1 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 75, regrets being overburdened with other obligations. Recommends H. Reichenbach, who deals in detail with the philosophical underpinnings and the history of science. TLC. [48 432]. 99. From Johannes Otto Bleicherode, 1 September 1927 A high school teacher, he reports on the discovery of a prehistoric sundial that seems to indicate that 4,000 years earlier, the calendar year only had 327 days. Since such a change is hardly imaginable, suggests that the calendar year be determined by other than solar calculations and proposes a scientific paper on the subject. ALS. [47 783]. 100. To Hans Bodmer Berlin, 3 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 94, regrets being unable to entertain any obligations outside his special- ist domain. TLS. [46 744]. 101. To Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund Berlin, 3 September 1927 Forwards letter from the Paris IIIC (most likely in the matter of Abs. 64 and 81) and re- quests that it send all needed documentation. TLC. [46 043].

