8 7 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 HD made a notation: “Einstein had received a scurrilous anonymous letter referring to Wilamowitz-Moellendorff as critical of Einstein’s political views. Einstein had sent this letter to Wilamowitz-Moellendorf as a curiosity.” 802. From Ernst Reichenbächer Wilhelmshaven, 22 December 1928 Thanks for Doc. 345. Solicits letters of recommendation for the two pupils (see Doc. 336). Follows AE’s efforts with great interest, since he has thought about these matters for years, as he had mentioned to AE at the Düsseldorf conference. ALS. [25 234]. 803. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 22 December 1928 Has kept the position of assistant on condition that he would publish three papers before 1 June 1929. Requests to check his manuscript on AE’s new theory and to recommend it to a journal. ALS. [24 205]. 804. From Luitzen Brouwer Laren, 23 December 1928 In the interest of preserving harmony, informs editorial board of Mathematische Annalen that he will postpone sending his reply to Blumenthal’s report (Abs. 751). Brouwer had written to the board on 30 November (Abs. 772) requesting that members withhold giving their assent to his dismissal before reading this forthcoming defense document. On 3 December, Carathéodory wrote to Brouwer pleading that he take no im- mediate action, a view seconded in a subsequent letter from A. Sommerfeld. Cites pas- sages from Carathéodory’s letter, notes that no one is better placed than Carathéodory to expose the false statements in Blumenthal’s report, and expresses hope that he will find an acceptable solution to the affair. Attaches documents related to Abs. 751 providing additional detailed information. TLS. [13 170]. 805. To City Magistrate of Wilhelmshaven [Berlin,] 26 December 1928 Proposes that young Hagemann receive financial help to continue his university studies. E. Reichenbächer, whom he knows and appreciates both as scientist and as a person, can give a competent opinion on Hagemann’s mathematical skills. TLC. [25 236]. 806. To Karl Scheel [Berlin,] 26 December 1928 Submits manuscript of R. Zaycoff to the Zeitschrift für Physik. Wrote the author that he does not consider its content physically correct, but did not propose that he withdraw. Wishes that Scheel decide. TLC. [21 480]. 807. To Raschko Zaycoff [Berlin,] 26 December 1928 Checked the manuscript and forwarded it to the Zeitschrift für Physik (see Abs. 806), even though is convinced that it pursues an incorrect path. Wishes his mother speedy re- covery. TLC. [24 206]. 808. From Hugo Bergmann Jerusalem, 27 December 1928 R. Weltsch informed him of AE’s efforts to publish his manuscript Bergmann 1929 (see Abs. 776). Is very happy with AE’s positive opinion. TL. [67 734]. 809. Elsa Einstein to Hermann Struck Berlin, 27 December 1928 Offers condolences for his mother’s death. AE feels better, works hard, solved the problem he had dreamed of solving. Margot made fine sculptures, and her songs are ex- cellent, too. Ilse’s condition has not improved. ALS. [77 006]. 810. From Eduard Einstein Unterwasser im Toggenburg, 31 December 1928 Enjoys skiing. Complains about the pampering service in the hotel. Began a cycle of poems on school life. Asks whether AE still lives alone, and whether he has successfully completed his theory. ALS. [144 491]. 811. From Eduard Einstein [Zurich, 1 January 1929–end of 1930] Sends a two-year-old collection of aphorisms. ALS. [144 600].
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8 7 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 HD made a notation: “Einstein had received a scurrilous anonymous letter referring to Wilamowitz-Moellendorff as critical of Einstein’s political views. Einstein had sent this letter to Wilamowitz-Moellendorf as a curiosity.” 802. From Ernst Reichenbächer Wilhelmshaven, 22 December 1928 Thanks for Doc. 345. Solicits letters of recommendation for the two pupils (see Doc. 336). Follows AE’s efforts with great interest, since he has thought about these matters for years, as he had mentioned to AE at the Düsseldorf conference. ALS. [25 234]. 803. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 22 December 1928 Has kept the position of assistant on condition that he would publish three papers before 1 June 1929. Requests to check his manuscript on AE’s new theory and to recommend it to a journal. ALS. [24 205]. 804. From Luitzen Brouwer Laren, 23 December 1928 In the interest of preserving harmony, informs editorial board of Mathematische Annalen that he will postpone sending his reply to Blumenthal’s report (Abs. 751). Brouwer had written to the board on 30 November (Abs. 772) requesting that members withhold giving their assent to his dismissal before reading this forthcoming defense document. On 3 December, Carathéodory wrote to Brouwer pleading that he take no im- mediate action, a view seconded in a subsequent letter from A. Sommerfeld. Cites pas- sages from Carathéodory’s letter, notes that no one is better placed than Carathéodory to expose the false statements in Blumenthal’s report, and expresses hope that he will find an acceptable solution to the affair. Attaches documents related to Abs. 751 providing additional detailed information. TLS. [13 170]. 805. To City Magistrate of Wilhelmshaven [Berlin,] 26 December 1928 Proposes that young Hagemann receive financial help to continue his university studies. E. Reichenbächer, whom he knows and appreciates both as scientist and as a person, can give a competent opinion on Hagemann’s mathematical skills. TLC. [25 236]. 806. To Karl Scheel [Berlin,] 26 December 1928 Submits manuscript of R. Zaycoff to the Zeitschrift für Physik. Wrote the author that he does not consider its content physically correct, but did not propose that he withdraw. Wishes that Scheel decide. TLC. [21 480]. 807. To Raschko Zaycoff [Berlin,] 26 December 1928 Checked the manuscript and forwarded it to the Zeitschrift für Physik (see Abs. 806), even though is convinced that it pursues an incorrect path. Wishes his mother speedy re- covery. TLC. [24 206]. 808. From Hugo Bergmann Jerusalem, 27 December 1928 R. Weltsch informed him of AE’s efforts to publish his manuscript Bergmann 1929 (see Abs. 776). Is very happy with AE’s positive opinion. TL. [67 734]. 809. Elsa Einstein to Hermann Struck Berlin, 27 December 1928 Offers condolences for his mother’s death. AE feels better, works hard, solved the problem he had dreamed of solving. Margot made fine sculptures, and her songs are ex- cellent, too. Ilse’s condition has not improved. ALS. [77 006]. 810. From Eduard Einstein Unterwasser im Toggenburg, 31 December 1928 Enjoys skiing. Complains about the pampering service in the hotel. Began a cycle of poems on school life. Asks whether AE still lives alone, and whether he has successfully completed his theory. ALS. [144 491]. 811. From Eduard Einstein [Zurich, 1 January 1929–end of 1930] Sends a two-year-old collection of aphorisms. ALS. [144 600].

