C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 8 9 5 999. From Verband Jüdischer Studentenvereine in Deutschland Berlin, 14 March 1929 The members congratulate their teacher, the creator of theory of relativity, fighter for justice and progress, patron of Jewish revival movement, and friend of Jewish students. AD. [30 460]. 1000. From Vorstand der Israelitischen Union Berlin, 14 March 1929 Congratulates AE for his success in science and humanitarian activities. Is proud to have him among the members of its honorary committee. TLS. [30 420]. 1001. To American Jewish Physicians’ Committee [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] “Den jüdischen Aerzten, den thatkräftigen Förderern der Jerusalemer Universität dankt herzlich AE.” On a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [120 856]. 1002. To Siegfried Bieber [Berlin,] after 14 March 1929 Sends copy of Doc. 435. ADSP. [79 929]. 1003. To Hans Byland [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for (nonextant) letter. Is now buried under a paper avalanche and being chased like a wild animal. ALSX. [97 183]. 1004. To Otto Einstein [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Buried in a paper avalanche, sends cordial thanks for the kind lines. Written on verso of copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [71 713]. 1005. To Gerhart Hauptmann [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] “With cordial thanks, yours A. Einstein” on verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [73 452]. 1006. To Erika Heller [after 14 March 1929] Thanks warmly for the Vienna opera singer’s congratulations and for having been thrown in the scrap heap. PALS. [97 482]. Written on copy of Doc. 435. Reprinted in the Prager Tageblatt, 20 April 1929. 1007. To IIIC [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordially thanks for the friendly congratulations. At the bottom of a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [124 191]. 1008. To Harald Isenstein [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for the beautiful print, and is glad that Isenstein had success with the bust. On verso of a copy of Doc. 435. AKSX. [43 970]. 1009. To Emanuel Libman [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Cordial thanks to the good and helpful friend. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [89 329]. 1010. To Erich Marx [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Buried under a paper avalanche, thanks for birthday greetings. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [79 810]. 1011. To Francis Neilson [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Thanks for the friendly letter. Will read the gift book by Zeisler and Lewinson as soon as the paper avalanche melts. Greetings in remembrance of hours spent together. At the bottom and on verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [47 718]. 1012. To Max Perutz [Berlin, after 14 March 1929] Sends a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [124 191]. 1013. To David Reichinstein [Berlin, after 14 March1929] With thanks to Reichinstein and his three right hands. On a copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [20 143].