D O C . 4 6 7 O N T H E E I N S T E I N F O R E S T 6 7 1 Index[ Einsteins Dank „Der wahre nationale Reichtum eines Volkes ist Grund und Boden. Wenn jeder Jude zum Landerwerb in Palästina bei- trägt, dann kann der Boden unseres Landes jüdischer Volks- besitz werden. Viele Gaben habe ich zu meinem 50. Geburtstag empfangen, mit besonderer Genugtuung aber die Stiftungen in Erez-Israel, die neues Land und neues Leben schaffen.“ 23. März 1929. Albert Einstein. Published in Einstein-Wald 1930, [n.p.]. [69 782]. Also published in Berliner Jüdische Zeitung, 19 January 1930. [1] The Einstein Forest was initiated in February 1929 by the Ehrenkomitee für den Einstein-Wald in Berlin to celebrate his upcoming fiftieth birthday. Prominent members of the committee were Leo Baeck, Kurt Blumenfeld, Julius Citron, Rudolf Ehrmann, Ismar Elbogen, Heinrich Loewe, Salman Schocken, Oscar Wassermann, and Gotthold Weil. The forest of 10,000 trees was being planted at the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Anavim, 13 km northwest of Jerusalem, on land acquired by the Jewish National Fund. By the time of Einstein’s fiftieth birthday, 2,000 trees had already been planted (see circular by [Kurt Blumenfeld,] 28 February 1929 [Il-JeCZA, KKL4/69], Secretariat of the Ehren- komitee für den Einstein-Wald to the Head of the Jewish Community in Ratibor, 8 May 1929 [69 786.2], and Einstein-Wald 1930, [n.p.]). [2] Dated by reference to the publication of the same statement in Berliner Jüdische Zeitung, 19 Jan- uary 1930. [3] Einstein’s fiftieth birthday fell on 14 March 1929. [3]
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