C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 1 3 102. To Léon Lichtenstein Berlin, 3 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 53, understands Lichtenstein being unhappy with the Sternberg offer, and hopes A. Wintner nevertheless will benefit somewhat. TLC. [47 443]. 103. To Willy Reitsch Berlin, 3 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 57, agrees that it is important to find out objectively whether one can construct good violins according to the “fifths principle” of tuning, and that the discov- erer should receive due credit, if appropriate. Believes this should be investigated in collaboration with instrument makers, but he is not in a position to recommend an ap- propriate scientific institute. TLC. [48 103]. 104. To Teodor Schlomka [Berlin,] 3 September 1927 Does not trust Schlomka’s results. Proposes a compass filled with viscous liquid to avoid influence of shocks. TLC. [21 518]. 105. From Arthur Felix London, 3 September 1927 In addition to copies of his correspondence with E. M. Bluestone, director of the Hadas- sah Medical Organization in Jerusalem, from which Felix had resigned at the end of June 1927 (see A. Felix to E. M. Bluestone, 26 April 1927 [36 973]), which he handed to AE, he now encloses a copy of a letter of 29 August 1927 addressed to some Zionist leaders ([36 972]). He there explains that his devotion to the Yishuv was greater than the devotion to the Hadassah organization, and that as a result the paltry subvention he re- ceived for his scientific research was withdrawn by Bluestone in the express hope that Felix would leave. Has now started work at the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, where he has been very well received. ALS. [36 970]. 106. From Zenith Verlag Leipzig, 3 September 1927 E. Stolpe informs that the publishing house, a continuation of Druck- und Verlagshaus Karl Prochaska (Ceský Tešin), intends to publish a new series of books titled “Das neue Europa” and requests AE’s collaboration. “Nein” is written at the bottom of the doc- ument. TLS. [49 021]. 107. From OSE Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsschutz der Juden Berlin, 4 September 1927 The association is organizing a fund-raiser in England in collaboration with the Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain aimed at raising the sanitary and hygienic stan- dards of East European Jewry. Drs. L. Gurwitsch and N. Korolik attach an appeal and request AE’s signature. “Ja” is written at the bottom of the first page of the document. TLS. [47 778]. 108. From Moritz Schaefer Berlin, 4 September 1927 As secretary of the Hilfsverein für jüdische Studierende, requests AE’s assistance in finding financial support for B. Süsskind, a practicing physician who has made import- ant discoveries about the restricted intake need for protein and the beneficial action of hydrocarbon intake. Since Süsskind is not a registered student, their association cannot offer him support. Hopes that AE might assist with an application to the Rockefeller Foundation or other local contacts that might enable the young man’s exceptional work. ALS. [48 375]. 109. To Heinrich Tichauer Berlin, 6 September 1927 As a follow-up to Abs. 42, returns Tichauer’s description (FR522035). The biplane has a fixed high wing and two half low wings that can be moved up and down. AE does not think that this construction will have practical success. TLC. [48 572]. 110. To Frank J. Goodnow Berlin, 7 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 61, thanks for his visit and the truly generous offer. In light of the many exhausting obligations that a trip to the United States would entail, he is unfortunately
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 1 3 102. To Léon Lichtenstein Berlin, 3 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 53, understands Lichtenstein being unhappy with the Sternberg offer, and hopes A. Wintner nevertheless will benefit somewhat. TLC. [47 443]. 103. To Willy Reitsch Berlin, 3 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 57, agrees that it is important to find out objectively whether one can construct good violins according to the “fifths principle” of tuning, and that the discov- erer should receive due credit, if appropriate. Believes this should be investigated in collaboration with instrument makers, but he is not in a position to recommend an ap- propriate scientific institute. TLC. [48 103]. 104. To Teodor Schlomka [Berlin,] 3 September 1927 Does not trust Schlomka’s results. Proposes a compass filled with viscous liquid to avoid influence of shocks. TLC. [21 518]. 105. From Arthur Felix London, 3 September 1927 In addition to copies of his correspondence with E. M. Bluestone, director of the Hadas- sah Medical Organization in Jerusalem, from which Felix had resigned at the end of June 1927 (see A. Felix to E. M. Bluestone, 26 April 1927 [36 973]), which he handed to AE, he now encloses a copy of a letter of 29 August 1927 addressed to some Zionist leaders ([36 972]). He there explains that his devotion to the Yishuv was greater than the devotion to the Hadassah organization, and that as a result the paltry subvention he re- ceived for his scientific research was withdrawn by Bluestone in the express hope that Felix would leave. Has now started work at the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, where he has been very well received. ALS. [36 970]. 106. From Zenith Verlag Leipzig, 3 September 1927 E. Stolpe informs that the publishing house, a continuation of Druck- und Verlagshaus Karl Prochaska (Ceský Tešin), intends to publish a new series of books titled “Das neue Europa” and requests AE’s collaboration. “Nein” is written at the bottom of the doc- ument. TLS. [49 021]. 107. From OSE Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsschutz der Juden Berlin, 4 September 1927 The association is organizing a fund-raiser in England in collaboration with the Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain aimed at raising the sanitary and hygienic stan- dards of East European Jewry. Drs. L. Gurwitsch and N. Korolik attach an appeal and request AE’s signature. “Ja” is written at the bottom of the first page of the document. TLS. [47 778]. 108. From Moritz Schaefer Berlin, 4 September 1927 As secretary of the Hilfsverein für jüdische Studierende, requests AE’s assistance in finding financial support for B. Süsskind, a practicing physician who has made import- ant discoveries about the restricted intake need for protein and the beneficial action of hydrocarbon intake. Since Süsskind is not a registered student, their association cannot offer him support. Hopes that AE might assist with an application to the Rockefeller Foundation or other local contacts that might enable the young man’s exceptional work. ALS. [48 375]. 109. To Heinrich Tichauer Berlin, 6 September 1927 As a follow-up to Abs. 42, returns Tichauer’s description (FR522035). The biplane has a fixed high wing and two half low wings that can be moved up and down. AE does not think that this construction will have practical success. TLC. [48 572]. 110. To Frank J. Goodnow Berlin, 7 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 61, thanks for his visit and the truly generous offer. In light of the many exhausting obligations that a trip to the United States would entail, he is unfortunately

