C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 7 3 749. To Robert Weltsch Berlin, 10 November 1928 In response to Abs. 746, after looking at Bergmann 1929 would be happy to recommend it to Kantstudien. Will recommend it to Berliner only if the publisher asks. Believes the work is worth publishing. TLSX. [120 622]. 750. From Emil Honegger [Zurich], 14 November 1928 Glad to have received the completed questionnaire indicating AE’s consent to partici- pate in the project (see Abs. 732). The committee reached the decision to publish the Festschrift, and expects AE’s manuscript as soon as possible. TLS. [22 262]. 751. From Otto Blumenthal Aachen, 16 November 1928 As promised (see Abs. 738), replies to the charges leveled by L. Brouwer (Doc. 303). Writing as managing editor of Mathematische Annalen, informs members of editorial board and publisher of the events that began with Hilbert’s letter to Brouwer dismissing him from the board. Details regarding Hilbert’s motives and Carathéodory’s meeting with Brouwer. A central portion of this report is devoted to Carathéodory’s abortive ef- fort to convince Brouwer he should resign. After visiting Brouwer on 30 October in Laren, Carathéodory received the following reply from him three days later: “Dear col- league. After careful consideration and extensive consultation, I must take the position that the request you made to me, to treat Hilbert as an insane person, would only be ac- ceptable, if I were to receive confirmation of this in written form from both Hilbert’s wife and his family doctor.” (Rowe and Felsch 2019, p. 284). Blumenthal here notes that this response came as a great shock to both Carathéodory and himself. Einstein refused to cooperate, whereas Blumenthal and Carathéodory regretfully concluded that Brouwer should step down and that Brouwer’s name be deleted from the title page of the journal. TLC. [13 154]. 752. From Franz Sandgathe Düsseldorf, 16 November 1928 This being his third letter [no previous letters extant], sends corrections to his man- uscript (most likely Sandgathe 1928). TLS. [25 249]. 753. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 18 November [1928] Requests popular works on concept of energy and modern worldview. Proposes moun- tain resort for AE’s heart problems. Explains his paper Einstein, E. 1928. ALf. [85 297]. 754. From Lucy A. Cox [London,] 20 November 1928 On behalf of No More War Movement, solicits Christmas message to those working in the British peace movement. TLS. [48 711]. 755. From Raissa Frank Heppenheim, 20 November 1928 As chairman of the local group of Jüdischer Frauenbund, solicits signature to an appeal to establish a foundation for a Martin Buber Lehrhaus in Heppenheim. TLS. [35 050]. 756. From I. G. Haddad Beirut, 22 November 1928 With reference to Abs. 723, informs that Vieweg requested 200 M for the translation rights of Einstein 1917a into Arabic and its print run of 2,000 copies (see Abs. 736 and 748). Owing to the poverty of scientist readers in his country, he cannot accept it. Asks for free permission for the first edition then he will be able to pay for a second one. TLS. [42 169]. 757. From Gaetano Castelfranchi Milan, 23 November 1928 He and his wife are happy to read in the Messaggero that AE recovered from his illness after a sojourn at the Baltic Sea. He had earlier sent him his Castelfranchi 1929 (Abs. 685). 758. From Pascual Jordan Hamburg, 23 November 1928 Sends Jordan 1928. ALS. [13 476].