C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U L Y 1 9 2 7 8 0 7 40. From Paul Moos Ulm, 27 June 1927 Sends the first volume of his book on contemporary German aesthetics and recommends the chapter on Lipp. Has been visiting Naumburg and Lichtenfels. Will read M. Hamburger’s book. ALS. [47 649]. 41. To K. de Boer Berlin, 29 June 1927 In reply to Abs. 23, informs that the suggested experiments were already carried out, with results that did not correspond to De Boer’s expectations. TLC. [45 633]. 42. To Heinrich Tichauer Berlin, 29 June 1927 In reply to Abs. 15, is willing to give an opinion if Tichauer can send a description, but cautions that in such matters of construction, the difficulties in execution usually outrun the value of the proposed idea. TLC. [48 570]. 43. From Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund Berlin, 29 June 1927 The Liga’s press secretary requests an article on international cooperation among intel- lectual workers. TLS. [46 042]. 44. From Richard Burdon Haldane [London,] 29 June 1927 Forwards the invitation of the University of Oxford to deliver the Rhodes Memorial Lecture in 1928 for £500 and hospitality. Acceptance would improve Anglo-German relations. ALS. [32 654]. 45. From Léon Lichtenstein Leipzig, 29 June 1927 In reply to AE’s letter of 13 June (nonextant), Lichtenstein describes his daily interac- tions with A. Wintner over the past few weeks. Wintner has written two rather nice pa- pers, one that is analytical, the other on circular equilibrium patterns of rotating liquids. Lichtenstein believes that AE would be happy to have Wintner, and that, as proposed by AE, a monthly stipend of 200 M would be satisfactory. Otherwise, Wintner would have to return to Budapest. ALS. [47 441]. 46. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 29 June 1927 Encloses a corrected version with minor modifications of G. de Reynold’s report (see Abs. 33). TLC. [84 644]. 47. From Anna Ludwig Wechterswinkel bei Unsleben, Unterfranken, July 1927 As the elderly widow of an engineer, who had a finger of her right hand amputated, and lives an isolated existence, requests advice as to whether an “Aerophon” could be in- vented by the famous scientist to assist with the diminished strength of her vocal cords. She offers AE 10 M for such a device. ALS. [47 549]. 48. To Slava Zaycoff [Berlin], 2 July 1927 In reply to Vol. 15, Abs. 834, underlines S. Zaycoff’s opinion on her son’s future. Ad- vised Raschko Zaycoff not to get stipend for the next year in order to be forced to get a regular job. TLC. [24 188]. 49. From Rockefeller Foundation (Daniel P. O’ Brien) Paris, 2 July 1927 In reply to Vol. 15, Abs. 853, the Division of Medical Education is unfortunately unable to grant a fellowship to S. Tschachotin to enable him to continue his studies in the de- partment of A. Benedicenti of Genoa since his case does not fall within the limitations of their program. TLS. [48 621]. 50. From Frederick Alexander Lindemann Oxford, 3 July 1927 Encourages AE to accept the invitation as Rhodes scholar (see Abs. 44). It would repre- sent a sign of reconciliation. Only two lectures would be required during the seven or eight weeks’ stay. He could live in college or, alternatively, in a hotel if Mrs. Einstein were to accompany him. ALS. [16 339].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U L Y 1 9 2 7 8 0 7 40. From Paul Moos Ulm, 27 June 1927 Sends the first volume of his book on contemporary German aesthetics and recommends the chapter on Lipp. Has been visiting Naumburg and Lichtenfels. Will read M. Hamburger’s book. ALS. [47 649]. 41. To K. de Boer Berlin, 29 June 1927 In reply to Abs. 23, informs that the suggested experiments were already carried out, with results that did not correspond to De Boer’s expectations. TLC. [45 633]. 42. To Heinrich Tichauer Berlin, 29 June 1927 In reply to Abs. 15, is willing to give an opinion if Tichauer can send a description, but cautions that in such matters of construction, the difficulties in execution usually outrun the value of the proposed idea. TLC. [48 570]. 43. From Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund Berlin, 29 June 1927 The Liga’s press secretary requests an article on international cooperation among intel- lectual workers. TLS. [46 042]. 44. From Richard Burdon Haldane [London,] 29 June 1927 Forwards the invitation of the University of Oxford to deliver the Rhodes Memorial Lecture in 1928 for £500 and hospitality. Acceptance would improve Anglo-German relations. ALS. [32 654]. 45. From Léon Lichtenstein Leipzig, 29 June 1927 In reply to AE’s letter of 13 June (nonextant), Lichtenstein describes his daily interac- tions with A. Wintner over the past few weeks. Wintner has written two rather nice pa- pers, one that is analytical, the other on circular equilibrium patterns of rotating liquids. Lichtenstein believes that AE would be happy to have Wintner, and that, as proposed by AE, a monthly stipend of 200 M would be satisfactory. Otherwise, Wintner would have to return to Budapest. ALS. [47 441]. 46. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 29 June 1927 Encloses a corrected version with minor modifications of G. de Reynold’s report (see Abs. 33). TLC. [84 644]. 47. From Anna Ludwig Wechterswinkel bei Unsleben, Unterfranken, July 1927 As the elderly widow of an engineer, who had a finger of her right hand amputated, and lives an isolated existence, requests advice as to whether an “Aerophon” could be in- vented by the famous scientist to assist with the diminished strength of her vocal cords. She offers AE 10 M for such a device. ALS. [47 549]. 48. To Slava Zaycoff [Berlin], 2 July 1927 In reply to Vol. 15, Abs. 834, underlines S. Zaycoff’s opinion on her son’s future. Ad- vised Raschko Zaycoff not to get stipend for the next year in order to be forced to get a regular job. TLC. [24 188]. 49. From Rockefeller Foundation (Daniel P. O’ Brien) Paris, 2 July 1927 In reply to Vol. 15, Abs. 853, the Division of Medical Education is unfortunately unable to grant a fellowship to S. Tschachotin to enable him to continue his studies in the de- partment of A. Benedicenti of Genoa since his case does not fall within the limitations of their program. TLS. [48 621]. 50. From Frederick Alexander Lindemann Oxford, 3 July 1927 Encourages AE to accept the invitation as Rhodes scholar (see Abs. 44). It would repre- sent a sign of reconciliation. Only two lectures would be required during the seven or eight weeks’ stay. He could live in college or, alternatively, in a hotel if Mrs. Einstein were to accompany him. ALS. [16 339].

