8 7 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 bending might be due to the wire warming up, as well as to the effect they want to find. Requests exact theoretical relations to improve the setup. Continues his experiments on scattering of electron rays. ALS. [20 415]. 782. From Rudolf Broda Yellow Springs, 8 December 1928 Intends to continue the publication of Documente des Fortschritts/Records of Progress. Asks whether AE wants to collaborate as he did in 1914 with the weekly Die Menschheit. Wishes to know AE’s opinions on the Kellogg-Briand Pact relief for American farmers and the advantages and disadvantages of railroads, power plants, etc. TLS. [47 362]. 783. To Reinhold Schairer Berlin, 10 December 1928 Inquires again about the possibility of obtaining a monthly 200 M stipend for the twenty- one-year-old C. Schwarz from the Abraham-Lincoln-Stiftung for two years. TLC. [47 508]. 784. From Richard Courant Göttingen, 12 December 1928 To solve the crisis of the Mathematische Annalen, requests meeting with AE to discuss H. Bohr’s plan, about which Carathéodory had already informed AE (see Abs. 777). Courant emphasizes the seriousness of the crisis, which could potentially lead to a deep division into hostile camps within the German mathematical community. TLS. [13 165]. 785. From Julius Mueller-Alberti Mannheim, 12 December 1928 Proposes a German school in Geneva. The president of the Reichstag welcomes the idea. Because of his outstanding position in science, AE’s opinion would provide valuable support. TLS. [47 694]. 786. From James Franck Göttingen, 13 December 1928 Supports Courant’s request (see Abs. 784) for a discussion with AE in the hope of re- solving the Mathematische Annalen conflict. As one of the four principal editors, AE will play a decisive role. It would be a bad joke if AE’s intransigence led to a victory for the nationalist faction. TLS. [13 167]. 787. From Ludwig Oppenheimer (Vorbereitungsausschuss für einen Weltbund der Jugend) Berlin, 14 December 1928 Thanks for the advice to apply for American help at a more developed stage of their movement. Never thought that an anti-imperialistic, anticapitalistic, and russophile movement could rely on the support of American institutions. Might social responsibil- ity be growing there as well? Increasing interest in his father, Franz Oppenheimer’s, ideas in America seems to indicate that it is so. Sends regards to Elsa Einstein. TLS. [47 775]. 788. From Richard Courant Göttingen, 15 December 1928 Upon receiving AE’s card (nonextant), deems it unnecessary to travel to Berlin (see Abs. 784). With AE’s assent, the contract between Springer and the Mathematische An- nalen will be annulled, and a new one between Hilbert and Springer will be drafted. In Hilbert’s name, invites AE to join the new board. H. Bohr presently negotiating in Ham- burg with Hecke, the nominee to succeed Carathéodory. Blumenthal will be asked to stay on as managing editor. TLS. [13 166]. 789. From Emil Ludwig [Berlin,] 15 December 1928 Recommends the young revolutionary Lancelot L. Whyte, who is staying in Berlin on a Rockefeller scholarship. ALS. [23 447]. 790. From Hans Simons Berlin, 15 December 1928 In reply to Abs. 783, on behalf of the ill R. Schairer, asks that AE send C. Schwarz to the Interior Ministry to meet him. Sends the application form for Wirtschaftshilfe der
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