C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 3 3 316. From Catharina A. Kamerlingh Onnes Oegstgeest, 13 December 1927 The widow of M. Kamerlingh Onnes, she has seen a newspaper report of AE’s playing in a concert in behalf of the Jüdische Altershilfe Groß-Berlin on 6 December 1927. Al- ways remembers AE’s solo performance at their house when he last visited, playing Bach or Tartini. Invites AE and his family to visit again. ALS. [14 394]. 317. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 13 December 1927 The ICIC will meet in the Palais des académies in Brussels on 19 December at 11 A.M. ALS. [84 648]. 318. From Hans-Georg von Beerfelde Berlin-Pichelsdorf, 14 December 1927 On behalf of the Berliner Friedensbewegung, wishes to discuss a planned demonstration and proclamation. The organization intends to collect half a million signatures for an “antiwar army.” ALS. [45 505]. 319. From Walter Lauterjung Merscheid, 15 December 1927 If magnetism is due to rotating electrons, the electrons must show gyroscopic features. Allow a magnetized soft iron cylinder to rotate around its magnetization axis, then turn off the current. The rotating electrons in the cylinder must then have gyroscopic charac- teristics, and the residual magnetism should be greater than if the cylinder had been at rest. This phenomenon should therefore also appear in the Rowland effect. ALS. [25 151], [25 152]. 320. From Charles Lefébure Brussels, 15 December 1927 Encloses the group photograph of members of the Fifth Solvay Congress that met 24– 29 October 1927. TLS. [34 973]. 321. From Grethlein & Co. Leipzig, 16 December 1927 At the request of the author, encloses Fülöp-Miller 1927b, just published by the com- pany, and requests an opinion. TLS. [46 339]. 322. To The International School, Geneva [Berlin,] 17 December 1927 At the request of his cousin Edith Reiss-Einstein, inquires whether teachers for mathe- matics and physics who also have the necessary language skills and internationalist con- victions are needed. Miss Einstein has taught for ten years in private schools, and her fiancé is a teacher of mathematics and physics. TLC. [46 090]. 323. From John B. Wood Durban, Natal, S. Africa, 17 December 1927 Has developed a theory of “Conbustion” (sic) that explains all natural phenomena. The world is noiseless yet full of sound. If AE is interested, will send him his theories of the end of the world. TLS. [48 823]. 324. From Luigi Benasso Genoa, 18 December 1927 Thanks for AE’s letter of 25 May (see Vol. 15, Abs. 861). Hopes AE has read his little book. Encloses review published in the Genovese newspaper Lavoro. ALS. [45 521]. 325. From Arnold Ebel (Berliner Tonkünstler Verein) Berlin, 18 December 1927 Circular letter, thanking AE for agreeing to join the honorary committee for the musi- cians’ gala on 17 December. TLS. [48 599]. 326. From Émile Meyerson Paris, 19 December 1927 As a follow-up to Abs. 249, encloses the original text and the modified text of Einstein 1928e (Doc. 152). Hopes to have made changes in the spirit of AE’s comments, and that AE will visit him. ALS. [18 293].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 3 3 316. From Catharina A. Kamerlingh Onnes Oegstgeest, 13 December 1927 The widow of M. Kamerlingh Onnes, she has seen a newspaper report of AE’s playing in a concert in behalf of the Jüdische Altershilfe Groß-Berlin on 6 December 1927. Al- ways remembers AE’s solo performance at their house when he last visited, playing Bach or Tartini. Invites AE and his family to visit again. ALS. [14 394]. 317. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 13 December 1927 The ICIC will meet in the Palais des académies in Brussels on 19 December at 11 A.M. ALS. [84 648]. 318. From Hans-Georg von Beerfelde Berlin-Pichelsdorf, 14 December 1927 On behalf of the Berliner Friedensbewegung, wishes to discuss a planned demonstration and proclamation. The organization intends to collect half a million signatures for an “antiwar army.” ALS. [45 505]. 319. From Walter Lauterjung Merscheid, 15 December 1927 If magnetism is due to rotating electrons, the electrons must show gyroscopic features. Allow a magnetized soft iron cylinder to rotate around its magnetization axis, then turn off the current. The rotating electrons in the cylinder must then have gyroscopic charac- teristics, and the residual magnetism should be greater than if the cylinder had been at rest. This phenomenon should therefore also appear in the Rowland effect. ALS. [25 151], [25 152]. 320. From Charles Lefébure Brussels, 15 December 1927 Encloses the group photograph of members of the Fifth Solvay Congress that met 24– 29 October 1927. TLS. [34 973]. 321. From Grethlein & Co. Leipzig, 16 December 1927 At the request of the author, encloses Fülöp-Miller 1927b, just published by the com- pany, and requests an opinion. TLS. [46 339]. 322. To The International School, Geneva [Berlin,] 17 December 1927 At the request of his cousin Edith Reiss-Einstein, inquires whether teachers for mathe- matics and physics who also have the necessary language skills and internationalist con- victions are needed. Miss Einstein has taught for ten years in private schools, and her fiancé is a teacher of mathematics and physics. TLC. [46 090]. 323. From John B. Wood Durban, Natal, S. Africa, 17 December 1927 Has developed a theory of “Conbustion” (sic) that explains all natural phenomena. The world is noiseless yet full of sound. If AE is interested, will send him his theories of the end of the world. TLS. [48 823]. 324. From Luigi Benasso Genoa, 18 December 1927 Thanks for AE’s letter of 25 May (see Vol. 15, Abs. 861). Hopes AE has read his little book. Encloses review published in the Genovese newspaper Lavoro. ALS. [45 521]. 325. From Arnold Ebel (Berliner Tonkünstler Verein) Berlin, 18 December 1927 Circular letter, thanking AE for agreeing to join the honorary committee for the musi- cians’ gala on 17 December. TLS. [48 599]. 326. From Émile Meyerson Paris, 19 December 1927 As a follow-up to Abs. 249, encloses the original text and the modified text of Einstein 1928e (Doc. 152). Hopes to have made changes in the spirit of AE’s comments, and that AE will visit him. ALS. [18 293].

