C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 7 7 9 3 October 24 Attends Bragg’s report, followed by discussion and possibly Compton’s report in the afternoon. October 25 Attends morning reception, followed by Compton’s second report and discussion. Attends De Broglie’s report, followed by discussion in the afternoon. October 26 Attends Born and Heisenberg’s reports, followed by discus- sions in the morning, and Schrödinger’s report, followed by discussion in the afternoon. October 27 Attends general deliberations, including Bohr’s main contri- bution and discussions in the morning. Travels to Paris for centenary of Augustin-Jean Fresnel, inauguration at 8:30 P.M. in the grand amphitheater of the Sorbonne. October 28 Returns to Brussels and Solvay proceedings in the morning. Delivers comments “The Essence of Quantum Mechanics” (Doc. 77), participates in the general discussion (up to and including Dirac’s remarks), and attends evening deliberations. October 29 Attends the general discussion, including an homage to Ernest Solvay’s widow. Attends luncheon with king and queen of Belgium. Travels to Liège to visit uncle Caesar Koch. before November 3 Returns to Berlin. November 13 Granted patent with Leo Szilard for the first cooler with electrodynamic pumping, DE563403. November 24 Presents “General Theory of Relativity and Equations of Motion” (Doc. 91). December “On German Colonial Policy” is published (Doc. 41). December 1 Participates in meeting to discuss establishment of the Rat zum Schutz der jüdischen Minderheitenrechte in Berlin (Jüdische Rundschau, 6 December 1927). December 3 Attends tea hosted by Elsa Einstein and organized by the Jüdische Waisenhilfe e. V., at which Siegfried Lehmann lec- tures on the work of the Ben Shemen orphanage in Palestine (Jüdische Rundschau, 6 December 1927). December 4 Granted patent of DE555413, a pump for the cooler, in Germany (Abs. 777). December 6 Participates in a charity event at the Hotel Kaiserhof for the Jüdische Altershilfe Groß-Berlin, where he plays works by Schubert and Beethoven on the violin, along with Bruno Eisner and Francesco von Mendelssohn 1928 (Jüdische Rundschau, 9 December 1927).
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