C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 9 9 0 1 1071. From Gesellschaft für kulturelle Verbindung der Sowjetunion mit dem Ausland Berlin, 29 March 1929 The Gesellschaft der Freunde des neuen Rußland forwards birthday greetings of the Ge- sellschaft für kulturelle Verbindung to AE, as their member, and joins in its wishes. PD. [82 421]. 1072. From Attilio Palatini Milan, 30 March 1929 Sends copy of Palatini 1929, which Levi-Civita will present to Accademia dei Lincei in its next session, so that Einstein can see it immediately. Draws attention to Palatini 1928, enclosed, for the relevant formal part. Asks for copies of Einstein’s recent work. ALS. [19 007]. 1073. To Catherine Barjanski [Berlin,] 31 March 1929 Apologizes for not being able to receive her the day before. Feels buried under a paper avalanche. ALSX. [45 471]. 1074. To Wander J. de Haas [Berlin,] 31 March 1929 Thanks for telegram. Is toying with the idea of visiting Leyden, since he has something to lecture on, which, however, no one believes in. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [71 256]. 1075. To Arthur Korn Berlin, 31 March 1929 Thanks the Korns and the Berlin Mathematical Society for the birthday greetings (non- extant). TLSX. [44 195]. 1076. From Charles Harnist Paris, 31 March 1929 As member of the Masonic association “Fraternité-Réconciliation, Groupe pour le Rapprochement Franco-Allemand,” has proposed to its chairman to invite AE for a lec- ture. TLS. [46 579]. 1077. From Georg Ried Berlin, April 1929 On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the German Philological Association, a special issue of its journal will publish short answers by eminent German personalities to the ques- tion: What tasks do German colleges and universities have to fulfill nowadays? Solicits a short answer. TLS. [47 871]. 1078. To Louis Lipsky and the Zionist Organization of America [Berlin,] 1 April 1929 Thanks for their very warm congratulations (see Abs. 970). TLSX. [124 220]. 1079. To Palestine Zionist Executive Berlin, 1 April 1929 Thanks for the very warm birthday greetings (see Abs. 981). TLS. [91 268]. 1080. From Rudolf Ditmar Graz, 3 April 1929 From AE’s card of 29 March (nonextant), learns that AE is interested in the needle-proof automobile tire. Sends a sample on which the cells can be observed. The material is not rubber sponge, but rubber with closed pores, and therefore does not allow water to pen- etrate. ALS. [46 053]. 1081. From Vorstand der jüdischen Gemeinde Berlin Berlin, 3 April 1929 Congratulates AE on his fiftieth birthday. TLS. [30 421].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 9 9 0 1 1071. From Gesellschaft für kulturelle Verbindung der Sowjetunion mit dem Ausland Berlin, 29 March 1929 The Gesellschaft der Freunde des neuen Rußland forwards birthday greetings of the Ge- sellschaft für kulturelle Verbindung to AE, as their member, and joins in its wishes. PD. [82 421]. 1072. From Attilio Palatini Milan, 30 March 1929 Sends copy of Palatini 1929, which Levi-Civita will present to Accademia dei Lincei in its next session, so that Einstein can see it immediately. Draws attention to Palatini 1928, enclosed, for the relevant formal part. Asks for copies of Einstein’s recent work. ALS. [19 007]. 1073. To Catherine Barjanski [Berlin,] 31 March 1929 Apologizes for not being able to receive her the day before. Feels buried under a paper avalanche. ALSX. [45 471]. 1074. To Wander J. de Haas [Berlin,] 31 March 1929 Thanks for telegram. Is toying with the idea of visiting Leyden, since he has something to lecture on, which, however, no one believes in. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [71 256]. 1075. To Arthur Korn Berlin, 31 March 1929 Thanks the Korns and the Berlin Mathematical Society for the birthday greetings (non- extant). TLSX. [44 195]. 1076. From Charles Harnist Paris, 31 March 1929 As member of the Masonic association “Fraternité-Réconciliation, Groupe pour le Rapprochement Franco-Allemand,” has proposed to its chairman to invite AE for a lec- ture. TLS. [46 579]. 1077. From Georg Ried Berlin, April 1929 On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the German Philological Association, a special issue of its journal will publish short answers by eminent German personalities to the ques- tion: What tasks do German colleges and universities have to fulfill nowadays? Solicits a short answer. TLS. [47 871]. 1078. To Louis Lipsky and the Zionist Organization of America [Berlin,] 1 April 1929 Thanks for their very warm congratulations (see Abs. 970). TLSX. [124 220]. 1079. To Palestine Zionist Executive Berlin, 1 April 1929 Thanks for the very warm birthday greetings (see Abs. 981). TLS. [91 268]. 1080. From Rudolf Ditmar Graz, 3 April 1929 From AE’s card of 29 March (nonextant), learns that AE is interested in the needle-proof automobile tire. Sends a sample on which the cells can be observed. The material is not rubber sponge, but rubber with closed pores, and therefore does not allow water to pen- etrate. ALS. [46 053]. 1081. From Vorstand der jüdischen Gemeinde Berlin Berlin, 3 April 1929 Congratulates AE on his fiftieth birthday. TLS. [30 421].

