8 8 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 844. To Otto D. Tolischus [Berlin, 19 January 1929] In reply to Abs. 841, sends a draft of Doc. 378. ADftL. [28 066]. 845. From the President of the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 19 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 839, details that AE’s request was first sent to a panel of experts since Lanczos is Privatdozent at a German university, it was also submitted for an opinion to the Prussian Ministry of Science, Arts, and Education. This was also necessary because research stipends are in principle not awarded to foreign citizens. The ministry’s answer was received on 17 January. Formally rejects AE’s accusation of willful protraction. TLSC. [15 225]. 846. From Jüdische Altershilfe Berlin, 22 January 1929 On behalf of Maurice Golgan, sends the minutes of the board’s session of 19 January 1929. TLS. [45 396]. 847. To Jüdische Altershilfe [Berlin,] 23 January 1929 The information sent in Abs. 846 has convinced him that his opposition expressed in Abs. 826 is untenable. Now declares full agreement with the plan. TLC. [45 398]. 848. To Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 23 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 845, thanks for approval of the stipend for Lanczos. Explains that his reproach was justified, since he had received no communication from the society in the interim. He believes that the large amounts of money available to the society will bear fruit only if the transmission mechanism is not only reliable but also rapid. Otherwise people with initiative and energy will be unable to rely on the Notgemeinschaft and will scramble to find funds elsewhere. TLC. [15 228]. 849. To Bernhard Steiner [Berlin,] 23 January l929 Experiments on shielding of the gravitational field have often been carried out, however, always with negative results because, in contrast to electricity and magnetism, the grav- itational mass is only positive. With masses of only one sign, one can never obtain a “shielding” effect. TLC. [25 290]. 850. From Luitzen Brouwer Laren, 23 January 1929 Writing to all editors (L. Bieberbach, H. Bohr, Carathéodory, Courant, Von Dyck, Einstein, O. Hölder, Von Karman, and Sommerfeld) with the exception of Blumenthal and Hilbert, refers back to Abs. 804, written before he received the circular from Hilbert and F. Springer, sent around this time (see Rowe and Felsch 2019, p. 334), which an- nounced the termination of the contract for Mathematische Annalen with publication of volume 100, after which the new editorial board (D. Hilbert, O. Blumenthal, E. Hecke) will take over. He continues to await a response to Abs. 804 and interprets the above cir- cular as a betrayal of the editorial tradition established by Felix Klein. Pleads with re- maining members of the board to join him in seeking a new publisher. TLSC. [13 173]. 851. From H. Foerster Berlin, 23 January 1929 Proposes two experiments to examine lengthening of a particle in the direction of motion of accelerated phase waves that hit the particle, one for a superconductor at low temperatures, and another by using cathode rays. ALS. [25 061]. 852. To Herman Bernstein [Berlin, 26 January 1929] Invites him to visit the next day, preferably between 11A.M. and 1P.M. Tgm. [93 434]. Asks him to telephone. ALS. [93 433]. 853. To H. Foerster [Berlin,] 26 January 1929 The experiments proposed in Abs. 851 cannot yield results because the De Broglie waves appear only where particles move. The statement that the velocity of electrons in superconductors is very high is incorrect. TLC. [25 062].
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