D O C U M E N T S 1 1 3 , 1 1 4 A P R I L 1 9 2 1 1 5 7
TLC (CtY, Hadley Presidential Records, Series II, box 6, p. 40). [91 767]. The letter is addressed:
“Professor Albert Einstein, Care Dr. Paul Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New York City (correspon-
dence handed to Prof. Chittenden).”
[1]Doc. 56.
113. To Paul Ehrenfest
[On board the TSS Rotterdam, 24 March 1921]
Lieber Ehrenfest!
Es ist gut im Schlaraffenland, wo es keine Pflicht gibt als am richtigen Tisch zu
essen. Heut aber erscheint Zion mit Ernst und
Jetzt gehts aufs grosse
Wasser. Auf Wiedersehen in
Viele Grüsse an Euch alle Dein
AKS (NeLR, Aardenne Collection). [73 256]. Appended to Elsa Einstein’s lines to Ehrenfest, which
are omitted. The postcard is addressed “H. Professor Ehrenfest Witte Rozen Straat Leiden Holland”
in Elsa Einstein’s hand, and postmarked “Paquebot 24 M[aart] 21.” The verso of the card reproduces
a drawing of the liner TSS Rotterdam of the Holland-America Line.
[1]Referring to the embarkation of the Zionist delegation on the TSS Rotterdam and the delega-
tion’s work in the United States.
[2]Einstein apparently planned to stay with the Ehrenfests upon his return from the United States
(see Elsa’s omitted lines to Ehrenfest in this postcard).
114. From Franz Boas[1]
New York, April 7. 1921.
My dear Sir:
You are familiar with the work that is being carried on by the Emergency Society
in Aid of German and Austrian Science and
We want to be sure that the
funds that we provide are used in such a manner that they will help in the best way
possible, not only to prevent the threatened breakdown of intellectual work but that
they will also help toward a reconcilliation of the scientists who are still torn by po-
litical and racial antagonism. As you are aware, the funds which we provide are uti-
lized for the maintainance of journals the existence of which is in danger, for the
support of research that cannot be carried on for lack of funds and for the support
of young scientists, who without such help may have to give up their scientific