D O C U M E N T 1 4 0 M A Y 1 9 2 1 1 8 1
voller Erfolg erzielt worden ist. In wenigen Jahren werden wir die Universität in
Jerusalem haben! Dann wird aller Kampf vergessen sein und jeder wird sich
Seien Sie freundlich gegrüsst und gelobt für die Geduld und Versöhnlichkeit ge-
genüber Ihrem
A. Einstein.
ALS (DLC, Felix Frankfurter Papers). [36 210]. Written on letterhead “The Commodore Forty-
Second Street and Lexington Avenue Grand Central Terminal Pershing Square New York.”
[1]See Doc. 134.
Levin had expressed his perception of Einstein during the tour: “Einstein is as helpless as an in-
nocent baby, and to look after him is no small matter. But he is a darling all the same” (Shmarya Levin
to Berthold Feiwel, 21 April 1921 [IsJCZA, KH1/193]).
[2]For the advice Einstein received from Ehrenfest regarding his original plan for an academic lec-
ture tour, see Paul Ehrenfest to Einstein, 7 November 1920 (Vol. 10, Doc. 191).
[3]A reference to the fallout from the attacks by the anti-relativists on his theories, and to the diffi-
culties Einstein expected from the upcoming publication of Moszkowski 1921 (see, e.g., Einstein to
Elsa Einstein, 28 October 1920 [Vol. 10, Doc. 184]).
[4]Not a quote from Ehrenfest’s letter of 7 November 1920, but a paraphrase of what Ehrenfest had
advised him.
[5]On the reaction to Einstein’s financial demands for a lecture tour, and his satisfaction at its can-
cellation, see Doc. 48.
[6]In the telegram that Weizmann had sent to Kurt Blumenfeld, in which he had requested that Ein-
stein be invited to accompany him. Blumenfeld had subsequently brought the telegram to Einstein
(see Doc. 53, note 3).
[7]For his letter to Princeton University, see Doc. 53.
[8]The “incident” is probably the cancellation of Einstein’s planned lecture at Harvard (see
Doc. 134). The telegrams mentioned are most likely the exchange of cables between Weizmann and
Brandeis, Mack, and Frankfurter (see Doc. 91, note 1).
[9]See Doc. 134.
[10]Elsa Einstein. The Einsteins were in Boston from 17 to 19 May (see Boston Globe, 17 May, and
Boston Post, 19 May 1921).
[11]On the conflict between the Brandeis-Mack and Weizmann factions over the University Fund,
see Doc. 135, note 3.
[12]Contemporary opinions varied on whether Einstein’s campaign on behalf of the Hebrew Uni-
versity had indeed been successful or not. For a detailed account by Solomon Ginzberg, see “Memo-
randum on the Present Position of the University Scheme,” December 1921 [IsJCZA/KH2/86].
140. To Felix Frankfurter
[New York,] 29. V. 21
Sehr geehrter Herr Frankfurter!
Heute war ich mit Prof Cohen zusammen und bin nun fest überzeugt, Ihnen mit
meinem abstossenden Verhalten Unrecht zugefügt zu
Ich bitte Sie
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