D O C U M E N T 1 1 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 1 1 6 1
I assure you that this is a misapprehension, as I lectured on the special
theory in 1909 on my trip among the western universities, and we took up the gen-
eral theory in my colloquium soon after it was published. I also have written pop-
ular articles on it in the Weekly Rev[i]ew, of New
I send you our catalogue,
that you may judge what sort of institution we are. I was a pupil of Helmholtz, of
Kundt and of Planck, and had my doctorate at Berlin in
If you are not already engaged, Mrs. Webster and I would be very happy to en-
tertain you and Mrs. Einstein during your stay in Worcester, providing you arrive
before April 20, as I am leaving that day for Philadelphia and Washington. If you
do not speak English, that need make no difference, as I can interpret for you, hav-
ing done the same thing for Langevin at the Congress of Physics at St. Louis in
Hoping that you will do us this honor I am Very sincerely yours,
Arthur Gordon Webster.
TLS. [36 207]. Written on letterhead “Clark University Worcester, Mass. Department of Physics
A. G. Webster,” and addressed “Professor Albert Einstein care American Zionist Committee, 55 Fifth
Ave., New York City.”
[1]Webster (1863–1923) was Professor of Physics at Clark University.
[2]Joseph Talamo (1894–1970) was a lawyer in Worcester.
[3]Einstein would give five lectures on relativity in Princeton from 9 to 15 May (New York Times,
9 April 1921, p. 11).
[4]See, e.g., Webster 1919 and 1920.
[5]Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894), August Kundt (1839–1894), and Max Planck were Pro-
fessors of Physics at the University of Berlin.
[6]Paul Langevin.
118. To Ernest G. Barker
Hotel Commodore New York City, April 12, 1921.
Dear Sir:
Please convey my sincere thanks to the Professorial Board and the Governing
Body at your College for the kind invitation extended to
It will be a great
pleasure for me to deliver one or two lectures at the King’s College. I am afraid,
however, that I will not be able to reach London before the end of May, so that the
lecture (or if you prefer two lectures) would have to take place either in the last days
of May or in the first days of June: I cannot say definitely as yet since it depends
on the dates of
Kindly inform me by cable (c/o Zionists, New York)
whether these arrangements are acceptable to the College.
With regard to my fee I would not like to mention any definite figure and will
leave it to the College.
I am, dear sir, Very truly yours.