1 6 8 D O C U M E N T 2 5 M A Y 1 9 2 0
have three other names on the list of candidates. The requirements imposed on the-
oreticians here are approximately the following: In the first place, he must be well
versed in mathematical calculation. Because the matters in which his advice will
be sought from the other departments will be less from the conceptual side of phys-
ics than, usually, the subject of some tricky calculation. Personally, however, I
would not like to have a theoretician of the old school by my side, obviously, but
one at home in modern topics. For I would very much like him to nurture contacts
with the institute’s experimental research, so that he can supplement me, for whom
mathematical calculation was never an end in itself. He should also be able to lec-
ture well, of course.
I would be very grateful to you, dear Mr. Einstein, if in a few brief lines you
would give me your kind advice on both the above-mentioned matters. I hope you
are enjoying your sojourn in Holland and that the news that I heard shortly before
my departure from Berlin, that you were not in the best of health, is not
We have here, incidentally, at the institute what we refer to as the
overnight room, which you are welcome to make use of anytime, if you happen to
be passing through Stuttgart. Mr. Reichenbach and I, and certainly very many oth-
ers, would be immensely pleased if you would make use of it very often and for
very long.
I remain with most cordial regards, yours very sincerely,
25. To Elsa Einstein
[Leyden,] Saturday. [22 May 1920]
Dear Else,
On the 31st I’m coming home again and am eager to see you all. My dear Ilse
shouldn’t be cross with me for not writing her a
I haven’t been able to
get to it yet. Today I talked shop with Kamerlingh-Onnes for 6
I was at his brother’s and his son’s, both painters, who showed me their magnificent
Yesterday evening I was in Katwijk with Mrs. Ehrenfest, while he
watched the bunch of
I was nominated a member of the Amsterdam
On the 29th I’ll still be at the
Your friend L. Deng sends you
a snack parcel and has invited me. But I have no time and wouldn’t drive there even
if I did have time. I’m terribly sorry that you are having so much trouble with the
violins. Ehrenfest is whining a lot about it. Where did you get the idea of sending
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