D O C U M E N T S 2 3 6 , 2 3 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0 3 3 7
236. To Arnold Sommerfeld
[between 18 and 28 December
Dear Sommerfeld,
My heart is pounding perceptibly at the thought of not being able to follow your
But it is completely impossible. On the 13th I have to give a talk
in Vienna and on the 17th in Dresden, which I had promised the Polytechnic stu-
dents half a year ago
So it would be too disquieting and exhausting to
slip in one more stop in Munich; we do have to make the pitiful bundle of nerves
that Nature endowed us with for our sojourn last a whole lifetime.
I liked your article in the Südd. Monatshefte very
as with all that you
write, incidentally. Your book, too, is wonderfully transparent and fine, you
The glowing personal goodwill of the article cheered me additionally.
I am very curious how Herzfeld explains the factor
Recently, Bohr, whose
atomic structure has again made bold advances, was here to see
His intuition
is very much to be admired.
Heartily wishing you happy holidays and a good 1921, yours,
A. Einstein.
237. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Munich, 6 Leopold St., 19 December 1920
Esteemed, dear Professor,
As I gather from Sommerfeld, there is hope of seeing you
So it is surely
self-evident that I cordially repeat my invitation again, also in my wife’s
For egotistical reasons I would be especially pleased if I could speak with you
in the course of January; I would like to report to you the experiences made so far
with the metal sphere and the rotational heated
And besides that, I consider it proper to discuss with you the obligation by the
firm Anschütz & Co. to pay
You must allow me that, along with repre-
senting your own interests.
It would be very particularly generous of you if you would not cut your stay here
too short and if you would take your wife along.
Your room and the music room with the organ are waiting for you.
With most cordial greetings from me and my wife and best compliments from
both of us to your spouse, yours,
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