V O L U M E 9 , D O C U M E N T 1 2 8 a 1 3 5
In addition, I would like to make a suggestion that this deposit be put into a dif-
ferent bank because already the accrued interest was not recorded; also, this present
notification is as unclear as can be, so I always have to watch like a hawk that noth-
ing is wrong. The Kantonalbank is generally recommended as a very reliable and
decent institute, and I would like to recommend it to you as well. Dr. Z. is also of
this opinion and advises me to suggest it to you. I’d like to ask you, in any case, to
send me an answer as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Vol. 9, 128a. From Maja Winteler-Einstein
Lucerne, 9 October 1919
Dear Else, dear Albert,
Today you are receiving a letter that should prompt all of you to consider wheth-
er it wouldn’t be better, after all, if Mama were transported to Berlin. Since Guste
has been here, Mama feels far better, as far as her morale is
comes primarily from Guste’s exceedingly pleasing personality, of course; but
surely also from the fact that Mama isn’t so alone and can’t dwell on her dismal
thoughts so much. Here I’m the only one who gives her any attention (the nurse has
much else to do) and I’m no cheerful lady companion. Now Miss Tobler thinks it
might perhaps be best, after all, if Mama were brought to
She’ll write
you, dear Albert, herself after she has spoken with
Mama doesn’t talk
so much about a trip to Berlin anymore; she’s hoping for next spring. But being
alone so much depresses her spirit terribly. I can’t possibly spend more than 2–3
hours daily with her; this already means constant hurrying and commotion for
me.—So please consider whether it’s possible to accommodate her with a nurse at
your home or whether she couldn’t be cared for in a sanatorium not far from you,
whether the coal shortage isn’t grave enough to guarantee Mama, who chills easily,
a warm room, and whether the food supply there isn’t too bad. Concerning food,
Mama really doesn’t need much, she eats virtually nothing. Mama doesn’t know
anything about this right now; the idea comes from Dr. Tobler.
Consider the matter and write us about it soon. If the transfer should take place,
it would have to happen soon, before the onset of cold weather. Miss Tobler and I
would accompany Mama.
Fond greetings and kisses to all of you from your