V O L U M E 9 , D O C U M E N T 2 0 6 b 1 4 3
Meanwhile, nurse Frida, because she doesn’t like it here anymore, has offered her
services for the same conditions as the other nurse you hired to come along to
She did this completely spontaneously and we aren’t obligated in any
way to retain her. It would, of course, be convenient for Mama if she didn’t have to
make a change. So if you could retract the hiring of the other nurse without too
many problems or without doing any kind of injustice, she would continue to care
for Mama. She’s coming along to Berlin anyway, also at her specific wish, because
she would like to visit an old lady of whom she’s very fond. And for Dr.
and me it is naturally very pleasant to have her assistance during the journey, not to
mention Mama, who would find it a great reassurance to have her familiar nurse
during the transfer. Additional expenses would not be incurred by it because we
have to buy 12 tickets anyway. But there is also the question of whether the German
authorities will grant the residence permit. I have already obtained an entry visa for
her without difficulty.
Dear Albert, now you are downright popular. Recently a local teacher at the Can-
tonal School was asked by a 13-year old boy what the Einsteinian theory was. And
in a Lucerne paper (!) an article was published about you. I imagine this causes you
much unpleasantness, now that so much is being written about you. I was heartily
pleased at the time about the confirmation of your theory by the English
and picked up your “children’s book”
But the “general” one
still remains very obscure to me and I would be much happier if I could understand
the importance of your ideas and conclusions properly. Mama is having a difficult
time; she is very nice and patient nevertheless, much more than when she was feel-
ing better.
Fond regards to all of you from your
Vol. 9, 206b. From Paul Winteler
Lucerne, 10 December 1919
Dear Albert,
It turns out that Dr.
made available to me at the beginning of November
inst. the earnings including [credit?] coupons of 27,500
instead of just half
of it, because the fiscal year lasts from 1 July–30 June and per 1918/19 just half
should have been paid out corresponding to the 6 months January 1919–30 June
1919, hence 13,750 francs. Dr. Curti writes me that he had been mistaken and so
I’m going to send the 13,750 francs back to him. The occurrence of this error had
initially been unclear to me, but then I thought it comes to the same thing in the
end; the remainder, after deduction of our credits, would also arrive in the right
hands through you as well.