3 1 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 0 4 , 2 0 5 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 0
I must inform you that I have received an identical invitation by another North
American university, to which I have conveyed a similar
From the letter by our colleague Mr. Eisenhart I perceive with great pleasure
how great is the interest in relativity theory at your university, so I enthusiastically
look forward to scientific interaction with local colleagues and students there.
In utmost respect,
204. To Hugo Lieber[1]
Berlin, W 30, 5 Haberland St., 14 November 1920
Esteemed Doctor Lieber,
After arriving home, I reviewed my earlier correspondence with Princeton Uni-
versity. Thereby I became convinced that following the foregoing exchanges I am
obligated to negotiate with that university
especially considering that it
had not availed itself of any mediating person either.
In thanking you cordially for your kind willingness to negotiate for me in Amer-
ica, I thus ask you please not to take any steps for the time being, until that corre-
spondence with Princeton has been settled.
It goes against my grain to prompt invitations directly or indirectly to any uni-
versity myself. If the two universities that have directly invited me do not come to
an agreement, then I would temporarily have to abandon the trip to America. The
initiative must not come from me.
In any event, I thank you heartily for your readiness to support me and I am
pleased to have made the acquaintance of a person who offers his energy and expe-
rience in such a selfless way for the healthy recovery of international, and especial-
ly also of German research efforts. In begging you not to hold me to blame for
taking, upon closer inspection of the situation, a somewhat changed stance from
that of our discussion today, I am very respectfully yours,
205. To [Minna Cauer][1]
[Berlin,] 19 November 1920
Esteemed Madam,
Your letter really heartened
because it comes from a person whose genu-
ine sentiment I could thoroughly sense in the few minutes of our passing acquain-
tance. In thanks I warmly shake your hand. I know very well, though, that as a