D O C U M E N T 2 4 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0 5 4 5
Sehen Sie, da ist sie schon. Also bitte gleich nachzugeben, es ist einfacher.
Herzlichst Ihr
ALS. Lohmeier and Schell 1992, pp. 114–117. [37 360]. Written on printed letterhead “Anschütz
[1]For Arnold Sommerfeld’s invitation for November 1921, see Doc. 252.
[2]He cherished hopes to eliminate preferred positions (“Vorzugsstellungen”) with this arrange-
ment in Doc. 172.
[3]In the diagram, the three words are, from top to bottom, “Kugel,” “Ring-Magnet,” and
[4]For the purpose of the experiment, see Doc. 172, note 2.
[5]Local idiom for “scratch out.”
[6]At this point in the text, Reta Anschütz-Stöve indicates a note that she added in her hand:
“Stimmt!!! Ihre Vizemutter!”
248. From Carl Beck[1]
Chicago, Dec. 28. 1920
My dear Professor Einstein:—
I regretted very much during my visit in Berlin, I did not have the chance to see
you. I telephoned to your home to make an appointment; but was told that you had
left for Holland.
Professor Lecher of
who is a friend of mine—and particularly Profes-
another friend, promised to arrange with you a meeting; but unfor-
tunately I had to return to the States. It was not the idle curiosity of many people
who seek to make your acquaintance; but other motives which prompted me to
want to see you. You, of course, are a persona grata with certain scientific circles,
and also here in America, there is a great interest for you personally, and for your
I have no doubt that you are invited to this country by scientific bodies and men.
Knowing American conditions as I do know them, and knowing European condi-
tions as I do, and I do know them, I think, however, that such a visit while it offers
on one side a great many possibilities—is also possibly fraught with certain dan-
gers—not only for yourself but for your country, and I would very much like to dis-
cuss conditions with you on such a visit. America is not yet ready for experiments,
and I think too highly of you and your country to make any experiments.
When I returned a couple of weeks ago from the other side, I had a long confer-
ence with Professor Vincent of the Rockefeller
and with a number