8 2 D O C U M E N T 6 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 Jerusalem in the first place and as far as the other two countries are concerned, the psychological circumstances were incomparably simpler and more auspicious than they are in our case (unfortunately!).[8] Dear Langevin, it pains me that I cannot oblige, as I like you so much. I also feel the need to thank you and your colleagues at the Collège de France warmly for this generous gesture and the reconciliatory attitude underlying your decision. With cordial regards and hoping to see you again very soon, yours, A. Einstein. 64. From Thomas Barclay[1] 17. Rue Pasquier, Paris, VIIIe 3 mars/22 [Not selected for translation.] 65. From Erich Marx Leipzig, 4 Markgrafen St., 3 March 1922 Esteemed Colleague, Today I return to your kind reply at the beginning of January.[1] I took a long time thinking about what I should do, since you definitely reject writing an outline of the general theory of relativity for the handbook. I reached the decision to omit the general theory of relativity altogether from the work. After all, it is not abso- lutely necessary in a handbook on radiology. But now we still have a manuscript on the special theory of relativity here,[2] and it definitely must be submitted to press now. Wouldn’t we perhaps be permitted to send it to you beforehand for a very short addition of a few pages? Lorentz, Zee- man, Laue, Riecke, Debye,[3] and others are contributing to the volume that is now appearing. Surely it would be awkward if the date from before the war appeared under the heading “Special Theory of Relativity,” of which I am fortunate to own a manuscript. Please, esteemed Colleague, do us the favor and take a brief look through the manuscript before we send it to press. Reply envelope is enclosed in case you would like to have the same sent back to you. With kind regards, yours very sincerely, Erich Marx.