D O C U M E N T S 2 9 4 , 2 9 5 J U L Y 1 9 2 2 2 2 7 The Painlevé is interesting but what he says about relativity will scarcely be able to hold.[5] 294. To Chaim Weizmann Berlin, 17 July 1922 Dear and esteemed Mr. Weizmann, Enclosed I return to you the signed letter to Boston. Let’s hope it will lead to the goal.[1] I hope likewise, with trepidation, that you will now finally succeed in bring- ing the mandate safely home.[2] With regard to the article you want from me, goodwill is certainly not lacking. But I cannot figure out what the book’s purpose would be and thus feel incapable of meeting your request if I do not receive any suitable information.[3] I am here in Berlin until October 1st. With cordial greetings and my wishes for success in your difficult task, yours, A. Einstein. 295. From George Jaffé Leipzig, 26 Ferd. Rhode St. III, 17 July 1922 Highly esteemed Professor, Today I received your nice letter.[1] I heartily thank you for having taken the trouble to reflect on my considerations. The more do I regret that I have to bother you again now but I do not want to cast my musket aside before all my gunpowder has been spent. I had contemplated precisely those two points that you argue as closely as my powers permit and therefore am so bold as to send you carbon copies of two papers in which I attempt to come to some clarity. The first is appearing in the Physikali- sche Zeitschrift,[2] the second is a draft of a presentation for the Scientists’ Conven- tion. It was entirely clear to me that nothing substantially new can be gained by trans- formation but it seems to me that through transformation one can turn a that is constrained by special limiting conditions (or calculation procedures) back into a more general form, in which it is conformable to other limiting conditions. I chose the limiting conditions , all the others I can just as well ds2 g00 C = gμν 0=