D O C U M E N T 1 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 2 2 9 I anticipate receipt of the contract. I insist on the compensation of 20% of the sales price[3] because not only the paper and printing costs but also everything that the publishing house needs for its existence and the author needs for living has risen proportionately and is still rising. In utmost respect. 11. From Richard B. Haldane[1] Cloan, Auchterarder, Perthshire, 9 January 1922 Dear and highly esteemed Professor, It was a very great pleasure for me to receive the very kind New Year’s greeting from your family on Saturday.[2] I have the most vivid memories of the days you and your gracious wife gave my sister and me in London during the summertime.[3] And London itself received and welcomed you as a personality not just from one nation but from all. Today, so it seems to me, public affairs are developing better than in those days. And science, which knows no borders, has achieved quite a lot in this respect. You yourself, I believe, have accomplished more than you know, more than by relativity theory alone. Recently I met Mr. Rathenau, at Queen Anne’s Gates, and heard things are well with you. I believe he is going to Paris to develop these new relations as far as is possible.[4] I, myself, am busy with public affairs, particularly in the direction of national education, as well as with philosophy. I have read Cassirer’s and Hans Reichen- bach’s books.[5] But I believe still more will come out of Germany re. the philoso- phy of relativity theory. Weyl’s interpretation of the latest subjects in Space Time and Matter now satisfy me completely.[6] It is clear to me that this is just the begin- ning of such considerations. I was, as you have observed, in Göttingen at the beginning of August.[7] How- ever, I only had three days off and had to return immediately to Parliament in London. I hope I may visit Germany (Berlin included) again later when I have more time. Nowadays there is so terribly much to do here.– I visited Klein in Göttingen. He is old but full of life and is occupied with the complete edition of Gauss’s papers.[8] Your doctrines are making good progress here. Eddington & Whitehead are writing and others are stepping forward.[9] The public is interested in relativity but mostly believes in a new kind of ghost. With best wishes for the new era which, I think, the New Year will bring, ever yours, Haldane