2 6 6 D O C U M E N T S 3 3 3 , 3 3 4 A U G U S T 1 9 2 2 333. From Paul Ehrenfest [Leyden,] 29 August 1922 Dear Einstein, I just came back from Vienna a couple of days ago, where I was reunited with my 4 brothers after separations of 23 years and 10 years, resp.[1] It was very inter- esting and in some respects a very profound experience for me.—It stirred up the deep question: What does the division by Nature into “individuals” mean?– Before your departure I’ll write you another longer letter—for the moment, just this— mainly intended for Ilse-Margot. My wife is traveling on the 4/5 Sept. with Tanitchka to Jena to deliver Wassik to the “Trüpers Educational Establishment” there. (The people and facilities there are quite excellent, as I was just able to see from a personal visit.)[2] —From Jena, my wife is coming with Tanitchka circa Sept. 7 or 8 to Berlin to see her Russian friends there.—In case Ilse would like to write to her in Jena, then to the address: Trüper’s Educational Establishment, Jena.—My wife will contact you by telephone upon arrival in Berlin. The two of them want to go somewhere by the Baltic Sea after a couple of days in Berlin.—Tanitchka is supposed to be back here by 30 Nov. (beginning of the university lect.—she passed her exam well!!!),[3] my wife is stay- ing longer in Germ[any]. Very warm regards to you all. 334. To Richard B. Haldane Berlin, 30 August 1922 Esteemed Lord Haldane, This short letter will draw a smile from you, but a kindly one, I am sure. For I would like to take the liberty of directing your kind attention to the enclosed article by Rechberg from the Berliner Tageblatt. It seems to me to contain a favorable solution to the reparations problem, perhaps the only one making harmonious developments for the future possible.[1] From French friends I hear that Poincaré is certainly not averse to such a plan but that there is considerable resistance to over- come in English quarters.[2] As this plan seems to me so reasonable and naturally suitable, I dare to request that you consider this proposal yourself and in case of approval apply your great authority in support of it. That the plan would become reality in case of an agreement between French and English statesmen can scarcely be doubted in the current situation and it would be too great a pity if energetic steps for reform would be postponed so long as their effectiveness would be seriously
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2 6 6 D O C U M E N T S 3 3 3 , 3 3 4 A U G U S T 1 9 2 2 333. From Paul Ehrenfest [Leyden,] 29 August 1922 Dear Einstein, I just came back from Vienna a couple of days ago, where I was reunited with my 4 brothers after separations of 23 years and 10 years, resp.[1] It was very inter- esting and in some respects a very profound experience for me.—It stirred up the deep question: What does the division by Nature into “individuals” mean?– Before your departure I’ll write you another longer letter—for the moment, just this— mainly intended for Ilse-Margot. My wife is traveling on the 4/5 Sept. with Tanitchka to Jena to deliver Wassik to the “Trüpers Educational Establishment” there. (The people and facilities there are quite excellent, as I was just able to see from a personal visit.)[2] —From Jena, my wife is coming with Tanitchka circa Sept. 7 or 8 to Berlin to see her Russian friends there.—In case Ilse would like to write to her in Jena, then to the address: Trüper’s Educational Establishment, Jena.—My wife will contact you by telephone upon arrival in Berlin. The two of them want to go somewhere by the Baltic Sea after a couple of days in Berlin.—Tanitchka is supposed to be back here by 30 Nov. (beginning of the university lect.—she passed her exam well!!!),[3] my wife is stay- ing longer in Germ[any]. Very warm regards to you all. 334. To Richard B. Haldane Berlin, 30 August 1922 Esteemed Lord Haldane, This short letter will draw a smile from you, but a kindly one, I am sure. For I would like to take the liberty of directing your kind attention to the enclosed article by Rechberg from the Berliner Tageblatt. It seems to me to contain a favorable solution to the reparations problem, perhaps the only one making harmonious developments for the future possible.[1] From French friends I hear that Poincaré is certainly not averse to such a plan but that there is considerable resistance to over- come in English quarters.[2] As this plan seems to me so reasonable and naturally suitable, I dare to request that you consider this proposal yourself and in case of approval apply your great authority in support of it. That the plan would become reality in case of an agreement between French and English statesmen can scarcely be doubted in the current situation and it would be too great a pity if energetic steps for reform would be postponed so long as their effectiveness would be seriously

