D O C U M E N T S 1 6 1 , 1 6 2 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 1 4 9 I have to close now for the mailing. Very many regards to your wife and the dear girls! Yours, Ehrenfest. That the Fren[ch] physicists reacted about me with sympathy pleases me very much, because I liked them very much, too.—I’m rapidly liking myself less and less, to the point of “jumping out of my skin.” 161. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 23 April 1922 Dear Maja! You’ve really put yourselves out[1] a lot recently . . .[2] . . . I have to go to Holland this week already . . .[3] I spent some very fine hours with Solovine.[4] He has remained very youthful and fresh and is just as anxious to learn and intellectually ambitious as he ever was. He knows many of the Parisian professors well and has a nice social life. Even financially he’s doing acceptably well, but just poorly enough that he is not in dan- ger of getting married, which surely wouldn’t suit him. 162. From Sebastian Kornprobst[1] Berlin,[2] 23 April 1922 Esteemed Mr. Einstein, After many a long, long year I received from Mr. Rosenthal the pleasant news that he had been in your esteemed company and had spoken with you about long since bygone times. My wife twice had the pleasure of visiting and speaking with your esteemed mother Mrs. Einstein[3] in Berlin. She also wanted to visit us sometime but then unfortunately the war got in-between with its inconveniences and so we haven’t heard anything more since c. 1916. Years ago we read in the E[lektro-]T[echnische] Z[eitschrift][4] that your uncle, Mr. Jakob Einstein, had died.[5] I would gladly have fulfilled my duty and paid him