2 3 6 D O C U M E N T S 3 0 3 , 3 0 4 J U L Y 1 9 2 2 I do not think it necessary for you to come here personally, especially since I myself [am] not in Berlin and my two sons are visiting.[14] I think we can commu- nicate very well by letter. Kind regards, yours. 303. To Erich Marx-Weinbaum[1] Berlin, 22 July 1922 Dear Mr. Marx, I remember you very well. May I say a candid word to you? I observe with great displeasure imprudent statements about my endangerment figuring in our Jewish press.[2] I went to the bottom of it and saw that people in fact do not know anything. A certain danger may well exist, as for all Jews of whom public awareness has taken possession. But it is clear that such notices only magnify the animosity against me and with it the danger. For the time being I make do with keeping away from all things that occupy the German public.[3] A change of residence is not nec- essarily a protection because a half-wit and a revolver can be found anywhere. With kind regards to you and my cousin, to whom I send my best congratulations for her passed exams,[4] I am yours. 304. To Wolfgang Ostwald[1] Berlin, 22 July 1922 Esteemed Colleague, It goes without saying that the principal issues of colloid chemistry interest me most keenly and it vexes me to have to assume a negative stance before you.[2] The deeper reason why I do not want to bite the bait is that I see serious dangers in such a fine specialization of scientific activity and that I know very well, besides, that I do not have the time to keep abreast of the meetings and publications of a society seeking such specialized goals. The fragmentation of my work is already far too advanced as it is without my being able to stave it off successfully. Hoping that you appreciate and approve of this standpoint dictated by a kind of inner plight, I am very sincerely yours.