D O C U M E N T 1 3 7 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 1 3 3 136. From Gustave Le Bon[1] 29, Rue Vignon, Paris, 9 April 1922 [Not selected for translation.] 137. From Georg Maschke[1] Wannsee, 31 Kleine See St., 9 April 1922 Esteemed Professor, I congratulate you cordially on your great success in Paris. My wife, daughter, and I have been following your accomplishments up to now with great interest and genuine pleasure. I would have written you long ago but the unpleasant message I received from Mr. Wankmüller about the ugly manner in which your relationship with the com- pany was solved held me back.[2] Mr. Wankmüller, who like me was abroad for a longer period, surely shares little of the blame in this affair because his managing director acted, as on other occasions, entirely independently. (That gentleman has, of course, been sacked.) I urged Mr. Wankmüller various times orally and in writ- ing to apologize to you in person. This still does not seem to have happened and therefore I wanted at least to inform you about it. An excuse for Mr. Wankmüller might be that he has been burdened by very severe worries about retaining his firm during the past two years. I had left his company so that he could get a younger investor.– Ultimately the blame lies with me, of course, for having acquainted you with this company and thus ask you please to forgive me. I meant well and really could not have predicted such a thing. The war psychosis and its consequences altered many things and many persons and so let us, with your permission, also attribute this to it. I would be very pleased to receive a few lines from you and am, with best regards to you and your wife from my family and me, yours very sincerely, G. Maschke