D O C U M E N T 3 8 6 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 2 3 2 9 Nobel Prize in physics (for 1921)[2] in reward for your research in theoretical phys- ics and specifically for your discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect but without taking into consideration your theories of relativity and gravitation pend- ing future confirmation of their due merit.[3] On the 10th of December, during the formal plenary session, the diplomas will be awarded to the prize winners along with the gold medals. In the name of the Academy of Sciences, I therefore invite you to attend this meeting, in order to receive the prize in person. According to § 9 of the Statutes, it is incumbent upon you to deliver a public lec- ture in Stockholm referring to the prize-winning text. If you do come to Stockholm, it would be decidedly best if you held your lecture on one of the days following the prize awards. Hoping that the Academy will have the pleasure of seeing you here in Stock- holm, I am, in utmost respect, sincerely yours, Chr. Aurivillius Secretary 386. From Niels Bohr [Copenhagen,] 11 November 1922[1] Dear Professor Einstein, I would like to congratulate you most warmly on the award of the Nobel Prize. This public acknowledgment cannot mean anything to you, of course, but the asso- ciated funds might perhaps bring about some relief in your working conditions. For me it was the greatest honor and joy I could possibly get through external circumstances that I should be considered for the prize award at the same time as you.[2] I know how little I deserve this, but I would like to say that I perceived it as a great good fortune that—quite apart from your great engagement in the human world of ideas—the fundamental contribution made by you to the more specialized field in which I work, as well as the contributions by Rutherford and Planck, should also be formally acknowledged before I should be considered for such an honor.[3] With my warmest regards to you and your wife from my wife and me, yours truly.