D O C U M E N T 4 0 0 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 2 3 4 3 religious sense, about the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies at the basis of all more refined scientific work.[2] 3) That deeply felt conviction about a superior rationality which manifests itself in the perceptible world forms my concept of God one can therefore express it with the common designation of “pantheistic” (Spinoza).[3] 4) I can regard confessional traditions only historically and psychologically I have no other relationship toward them.[4] EINSTEIN’S LECTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KYOTO [See documentary edition for editorial note.] 399. How I Created the Theory of Relativity (Jun Ishiwara’s Notes of Einstein’s Lecture at Kyoto University) PRESENTED 14 December 1922 PUBLISHED 1923 In: Kaizo, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1923): 2–7. [See documentary edition for English translation.] 400. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein Kyoto, 17 December 1922 Dear Children, Now you, d[ear] Albert, have been a student for a couple of months already.[1] I often think of that with pride. The voyage is wonderful, even though Japan is quite exhausting. I have already given 13 lectures. I am very glad that I left you, d. Albert, in Zurich as I would not have been able to pay much attention to you anyway, and your studies mean more to you than any trip, no matter how nice, in which you’d have had to make official appearances in so many instances.[2] The Japanese do appeal to me, by the way, better than all the peoples I’ve met up to now: quiet, mod- est, intelligent, an artistic sense, and considerate, putting nothing on appearances, rather everything on substance. So now all of you really will be getting the Nobel Prize.[3] Look into the matter about the house.[4] The rest will be deposited