3 8 0 D O C U M E N T S 4 5 0 – 4 5 2 M A R C H 1 9 2 3 450. To Carl Brinkmann Berlin, 23 March 1923 Dear Mr. Brinkmann, When the substitute issue arose, you were the first man I thought of.[1] I was only held back at the time by the consideration that through your connections to the For- eign Office you could perhaps be perceived more as a politician than a scholar, if not, indeed, an organ of the German government. This I believed should definitely be avoided, as the other men on the committee likewise have no professional ties to their governments (as far as I know). Now, however, the whole question is moot. My annoyance about the impotence and moral dependence of the League of Nations influenced me to write a final res- ignation to the League of Nations and to underscore it by publicizing it in the press.[2] This may have been undiplomatic but my gut feeling compelled me to take this step. With my best wishes for your activities in Riga[3] and kind regards, I am yours. 451. To Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland Berlin, 23 March 1923 Dear Sir, Just returned from my travels, I hasten to reply to your letter of the 14th of this mo.[1] and authorize you to issue a denial in the following form: Neither in Paris nor elsewhere did I deny that I was born in Ulm as the son of German parents and that I became a citizen of Switzerland through immigration. I can furthermore attest that I never tried to ingratiate myself anywhere. Very respectfully. 452. From Michele Besso [Bern, 23 March 1923][1] Dear Albert, You now fear the other half as little as you feared the first half when you took your stand against the 93.[2] Even so, it seems to me that you had a better opportu- nity to get to know those people you did not want to go along with then than the ones whose goodwill you now thought it necessary to dispute, in public even. The