1 7 8 D O C U M E N T S 2 1 3 – 2 1 5 J U N E 1 9 2 2 213. On the “Einstein Film” [Einstein 1922g] Published 2 June 1922 In: Berliner Tageblatt, Evening Edition, p. 2. Professor Einstein and the Einstein-Film. Professor Einstein asks us to receive the following lines: “Through remarks by friends and many inquiries I have been made aware that I might be collaborating or otherwise participating in the film on relativity which is now showing. I therefore feel obliged to deny this explicitly. Since I believe that this error is chiefly due to the title “Einstein-Film,” I have asked the film company in question to choose for the film an suitable objective title. 214. From Leopold Koppel[1] Berlin NW. 7, 6 Pariser Place, 2 June 1922 Esteemed Professor, With reference to our conversation today by telephone, I forward to you in the enclosed a statement of approval prepared in duplicate concerning the transfer of Mr. Jacob Koch’s syndicate share to the Argo corporation in Glarus.[2] Please provide your signature on both copies and forward one, using the enclosed envelope, to my firm, the other to Advocate Winteler[3] in Lucerne. Please have Advocate Winteler likewise provide his signature and ask him to send the copy signed by him and by you[4] to Director Oscar Curti, Zurich, 75 Susenberg Street.[5] Respectfully, with best regards,[6] Leopold Koppel. 215. From Chaim Weizmann 2 June 1922 Dear Professor, Kindly forgive me for writing you only now: I was away on a trip to Paris and Geneva—in the latter location on the hope that the League of Nations would finally ratify the Palestine mandate but, as you know, the business has been postponed again to the 15th of July.[1] In the meantime all the shady characters the world over