2 7 6 D O C U M E N T 3 4 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 2 346. From Helene Stöcker 7 September 1922 Esteemed Professor, In accordance with our arrangement, I forwarded to Mr. Brailsford your view that you cannot resolve to issue a general appeal on your own but that you would certainly be prepared to respond as best you can to specifically posed questions.[1] Thereafter, yesterday, I received the following lines from Mr. Brailsford, which I am forwarding to you in German and English.[2] As a breathing space has luckily set in, it will also suffice if Brailsford receives your reply by the 25th/26th of September, in time for the October issue to appear.[3] However, it would be much more preferable to him if he could have the reply a week earlier, hence by the 17th/18th of September. He would then be able to see about even greater possibilities for its broadest publicity. I am convinced that any such account will surely be useful for a fair assessment and an interest and comprehension of your conditions and therefore hope that your scientific duties will leave you a few hours of leisure to reply to Brailsford’s ques- tions. Brailsford’s letter is supposed to be printed as the inquiring letter, as a preamble to your response. He leaves entirely to you whether you wish to answer all these questions or omit a few, change a few things, or add some to discuss subjects that appear to you to be of particular importance. In other words, he asks that you also edit his letter accordingly to meet your personal wishes. He thinks that although there is a brief respite right now, the problems have not been diminishing, even with the rise of the mark, and that it is consequently the more necessary to make clear to the rest of the world the ordeals of living in Ger- many. Brailsford would like to know your opinion on what would be preferable to you: Whether he should submit the letter to the New Yorker World or the Hearst Papers, both of which have a large number of affiliated newspapers in the United States, would secure the widest dissemination, and would also pay appropriately? Or whether you prefer he submit it to the Associated Press, which would perhaps secure even broader publication but not be able to pay in the same proportion? In France, dissemination would be a little more difficult however, all the papers of parties not linked to the nationalistic block would probably also issue it. I would be very grateful for a short note about when Brailsford might count on your material and am meanwhile, with my regards, sincerely yours, Helene Stöcker.