D O C S . 3 7 5 , 3 7 6 S E P T E M B E R – O C T O B E R 1 9 2 2 2 9 5 description, to be viewed merely as conventions? Or are they necessary, individu- ally unalterable givens by the very nature of human thought? I personally back the former standpoint also advocated, e.g., by Helmholtz and Poincaré, whereas it appears to me that Kant’s standpoint was more the latter.[2] In great respect. 375. To Romain Rolland [Berlin, on or before 30 September 1922][1] Dear Romain Rolland, Zangger and I are happily sitting together and thinking of you. I am feeling well. I have the chance to travel to Japan in a few days. Hoping to see you soon, happy and healthy, I am, with cordial greetings, yours, A. Einstein. 376. To Pierre Comert Berlin, 1 October 1922 Dear Mr. Comert, I took a lot of trouble to find someone to represent me but a series of unhappy circumstances prevented me from bringing the business to a good conclusion. Ini- tially I had the intention of having myself represented by my friend the psycholo- gist Wertheimer, professor at the University of Berlin, but he was on vacation in Prague and he is so unsociable that he hesitated a long time to accept.[1] He let me wait like this so long and so thoroughly that in the end it was too late. Then I sought out Mr. Troeltsch, but he, too, was away on vacation, so today I have to leave with- out having terminated this affair.[2] Please do not attribute this failure to ill intentions on the part of my friends here but to the fact that none of the persons I had envisaged were present in Berlin and I am persuaded all were would have been appointable to replace me. With amicable regards, yours, A. Einstein.