9 0 D O C U M E N T 7 6 O N S U P E R C O N D U C T I V I T Y Maimonides awoke within me the wish to acquire a European education and make medicine my profession—according to the words in the Talmud: “The beauty of Japheth shall dwell in the tents of Shem.”[4] That is why I came to Germany as a high school graduate in order to study at a university here. Toward this end I submitted my documents last semester already, but my appli- cation was rejected. Now for the coming semester I handed in my documents again at the Prussian Ministry of Science, the Arts, and Public Education and would be very grateful for some support at the ministry for my intentions.[5] Because I heard about the obstacles in Berlin, my application is for admission to the University in Königsberg. A rejection of my application would destroy the course I had planned for my life and would therefore hurt me deeply. Hear the cry of a young Jew who eagerly wants to study and is denied any access to academia. Your personality is legendary among young Eastern European Jews and because it is your country that I am entering, it is to you that I address my words of distress. In deep veneration, Lipa Halpern. The application, together with the final-grades report by the preparatory school in Lida, government of Vilna, I conveyed to the Prussian Ministry of S[cience], C[ulture], and P[ublic Education] (4 Unter den Linden) on 7 Mar. 1922. 76. “Theoretical Comments on the Superconductivity of Metals” [Einstein 1922k] Manuscript completed around 11 March 1922 PUBLISHED after 4 September 1922 In: Het Natuurkundig Laboratorium der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden in de jaren 1904–1922. Gedenkboek aangeboden aan H. Kamerlingh Onnes,directeur van het Laboratorium bij gelegenheid van zijn veertigjarig professoraat op 11 November 1922. Leiden: IJdo, 1922, pp. 429–435.