D O C U M E N T 4 2 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 3 3 5 9 no longer be posed to me. (I reply each time: Because I am not the one who awards the prize.) Mrs. Hamburger[3] informed me that you were so kind as to invest the money temporarily.[4] Thank you very much for this kind solicitude. You (and Bohr) also wrote that the official award ceremony has been scheduled for June, which I appre- ciate very much. I am returning from this wonderful trip at the latest at the begin- ning of April. I am very enthralled by the land and people of Japan, everything is so subtle and peculiar. And how conducive to thinking and working the long sea voyage is—a paradise without correspondence, visits, meetings, and other inven- tions of the devil! It is a special pleasure for me that I receive the prize together with my admirable and beloved Bohr.[5] In the happy prospect of a cheerful reunion, at the latest in Stockholm, I am, with all due respect and kind regards, yours, A. Einstein. 421. To Niels Bohr Near Singapore, 10 January 1923 Dear, or rather, beloved Bohr! Your affectionate letter[1] reached me shortly before my departure from Japan.[2] I can say without exaggeration that it pleased me as much as the Nobel Prize. I find your fear of possibly getting the prize before me especially endearing—that is gen- uinely Bohr-like. Your new analyses on the atom accompanied me on my journey, and my love for your mind has grown even more.[3] I now believe I finally under- stand the connection between electricity and gravitation.[4] Eddington came closer to the gist of it than Weyl. This is a splendid voyage. I am delighted by Japan and the Japanese and am sure that you would be, too. Traveling by sea is a splendid existence for a ponderer any- way—it’s like a cloister. Add to that the caressing warmth near the equator. Warm water drips languidly down from the heavens and spreads calm and vegetative inspiration—this little letter is a testimonial. Warm regards. To a happy reunion, in Stockholm at the latest. Your admiring A. Einstein.