2 7 2 D O C U M E N T S 3 4 1 , 3 4 2 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 2 field equations (A).[2] As we know, from these field equations it follows that the divergence of tensor of matter vanishes. In the case of the assumption charac- terized by (C) and (D3),[3] this leads to the relation , which together with (8) requires the temporal constancy of the world radius R. The significance of this paper therefore lies precisely in that it proves this constancy.[4] Berlin, September 1922.[5] (1) Z[eit]s[chrift] für Phys. 10, 377–386, 1922. 341. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin, after 2 September 1922] Dear Mr. Weizmann, I send you herewith the application of a geologist of about my age for the Uni- versity of Jerusalem.[1] I know that a geology institute is initially not being planned but I do think that under all conditions such an application should be put into the files. I am glad that [you] have now reached your grand goal and can take a breather. It must have been hard![2] With cordial regards to you and your wife,[3] yours, A. Einstein. 342. From Fritz Haber Oberstdorf, [3] September 1922 Now I’ve been hiking for almost the whole day To see the Sturmanns Cave and the gorge,[2] And could not walk through either one, Bodily strength fell short of the desire. This is the torment, this is the inner anguish Will you make it through what’s newly begun? When life’s tempests blow autumnally around you and cold mist wraps around your step! Tenacious will is missing in younger years The colorfulness of life chases from goal to goal! Tik ∂ρ ∂x4 ------- - 0 =