V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 1 1 3 b , 1 1 3 c 1 3 having a very nice time over there. Don’t think so rarely of me and don’t be miserly with your news. Warm greetings also for your dear mother. I’m visiting the Mendels at Wannsee today.[2] Yours, Elsa. Vol. 8, 113b. From Elsa Einstein [Berlin, 1 September 1915][1] Dear Albert, Yesterday I wrote you at length to Glockenhof Hotel.[2] Meanwhile, I’ve become worried maybe a hotel by that name doesn’t exist there at all. Please telegraph me immediately whether that address is correct. I’m not able to write you before I receive the telegram I’m too worried that the letter will fall into the wrong hands. While here, you didn’t know for certain whether the hotel had that name. Ein- stein Haberland St. suffices for the telegram. I expect to hear from you as soon as poss. Affectionate greetings! Elsa. Vol. 8, 113c. From Elsa Einstein [Berlin, 4 September 1915][1] Dear Albert, Tomorrow it will have been a week since we’ve been apart. Before me lie three very meager postcards. That’s all I’ve heard from you, in eight days. This third postcard just arrived and therefore I’m able to write you. I was uneasy about your address. Maybe a “Glockenhof” doesn’t exist there anymore and I was all jittery at the thought: Who will get their hands on that letter?[2] With the same surname, this conjecture was just too close at hand. Thank God! Now, at least my first letter reached you. It’s so incomprehensible to me that you didn’t have your children come and see you immediately in the hotel. How could you stay there even for just an hour and tolerate not having seen them? She really couldn’t have refused you that.[3] I can’t tell you how much I yearn for the time when you’re here again. It’s such an unpleasant feeling, not being able to reach you by letter for days on end. I would have had so much to report. But the censors do let unduly long letters lie around for a while in any case, they do suffer a delay. I’m recuperating visibly, you’ll be