D O C U M E N T 4 0 3 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 2 3 4 5 Far East led me, to a large part, to accept the invitation to Japan another part was the need to get away for a while from the tense atmosphere in our homeland for a period of time, which so often places me in difficult situations. But after the murder of Rathenau I was certainly very relieved to have an opportunity for a long absence from Germany, taking me away from the temporarily heightened danger without my having to do anything that could have been unpleasant for my German friends and colleagues. 403. To Yuanpei Cai [Miyajima,] 22 December 1922 Highly esteemed Rector, It pains me greatly that at the present moment, despite every good intention and despite earlier formal promises, it is impossible for me to come to China.[1] When I arrived in Japan I waited five weeks in vain for a message from Peking. When this failed to arrive I was convinced that the University of Peking no longer intended to come back to its earlier invitation. That is why I thought it not tactful to contact you about it. This was made even less feasible as Dr. Pfister in Shanghai—purportedly on your authority—made offers regarding a sojourn in China that were in contra- diction to our earlier negotiations.[2] From this also I had to conclude that you were not planning to hold to the latter. Under these conditions I stayed longer in Japan than would have been compati- ble with a visit to China and reached all travel decisions under the assumption that my trip to China was canceled. In possession of your letter, which arrived today, I realize that this was a misunderstanding [3] however, I do not see any possibility of changing my arrange- ments retroactively anymore. But I do rely on the pleasant hope that you will under- stand my way of proceeding, for you can imagine how greatly interested I would have been to visit Peking now. Furthermore, I optimistically hope that this omis- sion, caused by such a sorry misunderstanding, will later be rectified. In expression of my utmost respect, A. E.[4]