D O C U M E N T 2 1 6 J U N E 1 9 2 2 1 7 9 are working against us. Rich Jewish lackeys, dark fanatical Jewish obscurantists in combination with the Vatican, with Arab assassins, English imperialist-anti-Semite reactionaries—in short, all the dogs are howling. Never in my life did I feel so alone—and so sure of myself and confident as well! But the attitude of the Jews is disgraceful. It’s a crying shame, a sky-high scandal.[2] Regarding the 10,000 dollars for the university, I would be grateful if you would leave them in your account for the time being.[3] Our American friends are coming here in July [4] they will then tell us exactly what they plan to do we shall then also create a formal committee that will manage the funds as well. Of course, those 10,000 dollars should be spent exclusively on physics, according to the donor’s wish. What plans do you have for the summer? Maybe you will be in Switzerland in July. I have to be in Geneva again on the 15th. Most cordial regards to you and your wife and children, your truly devoted Ch. Weizmann My wife[5] also sends warm wishes. 216. To Friedrich Vieweg Berlin, 3 June 1922 Dear Sir, For the new edition of Relativity the following important corrections are necessary:[1] p. 75, first paragraph, 6th line from the top: “If the universe is Euclidean, then if the universe is spherical, then F is always less than [2] p. 81, equation (11) p. 90, 3rd paragraph, 5th line from the top: “on the so-called cyanogen bands, likewise Perot on the basis of his own observations, considered the existence of the effect almost beyond doubt other investigators, particularly W. H. Julius and St. John, have been led to the opposite opinion based on their measurements, or are not convinced of the conclusiveness of the empirical data used.” Now, regarding the inquiry by Prof. Chalas, Constantinople,[3] Prof. Einstein thinks that you should reply to this inquiry to the effect that you are not in a position to grant authorization under conditions other than the usual ones, even taking into account the circumstances prevailing in Greece.[4] There is absolutely no reason to grant authorization and in addition pay compensation that cannot be anticipated at all. Very respectfully, The Secretary. F 4πr2 = 4πr2 x′2 y′2 z′2 c2t2 – + + σ( x2 y2 z2 c2t2) – + + =