1 1 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 0 3 , 1 0 4 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 try to make your sojourn there pleasant in every way and will also show you much from our culture. With great respect, very sincerely yours, Chu Chia-hua. 102. From Paul Winteler [Firenze, 21 March 1922] [Not selected for translation.] 103. To Maurice Solovine Berlin, 22 March 1922 Dear Solo, I’m arriving on the 28th in the evening on the only available train, otherwise in the morning of the 29th, if I miss the connection in transit.[1] Have already talked my way out of all sorts of things so that we have some time. Looking forward to seeing you, yours, A. Einstein. 104. To Joan Voûte Berlin, 22 March 1922 Esteemed Colleague, Unfortunately I cannot come along on the expedition as I am obliged to deliver one of the main speeches in September on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Society of German Scientists [and Physicians].[1] My being prevented in this way is unimportant, of course, to the extent that I am not an observer and therefore cannot contribute anything directly to the success of the enterprise. I hope on another occasion another opportunity will arise to meet your wish. Hoping for the success of the expedition, for which so much credit belongs to you, I am, with kind regards, yours.
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